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Income Tax 2022 expands access to pre-packaged ads – News

Income Tax 2022 expands access to pre-packaged ads – News

a income tax 2022 Access to a previously completed statement will be expanded through all available platforms. In this method, the taxpayer already begins the declaration with a lot of useful information that makes it easier to fill it out, without having to write it down.

Declaration filing deadline IR 2022 It starts next Monday, March 7, and runs through April 29. The federal revenue forecast is that 34.1 million permits will be sent out by the end of the term.

However, the pre-packaged ad will only be available from March 15th. To use it, a taxpayer must have a account with a gold or silver level, which requires further authentications such as facial recognition and authorization via the app.

This method was created in 2014, but will now only be available on all platforms. And last year, the service registered more than 10 million advertisers, which is 32% of all admissions.

Access will be possible in all available formats: online, on the e-CAC portal; on the computer, with IR software; And on mobile devices, with the Meu Imposto de Renda app.

The pre-completed declaration provides information on income, deductions, assets, rights, debts and encumbrances which are entered directly into PGD IRPF 2022 (Declaration Generator Program), without the need for writing, and the taxpayer is responsible for verifying the validity of the data. Correct all data pre-filled in the declaration, changes, inclusions and exceptions must be made to the necessary information, if any.

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The service brings data such as:

• Expenses with medical and dental assistance.
• Payments with health expenses.
• Refunds.
• Exclusive income.
• Exempt income. And the
• Taxable income.

What are the data sources?

• Payment sources through dirf (income tax withholding declaration), including financial statements.
• Legal entities in the real estate sector through Dimob (Declaration of information on real estate activities).
• Legal entities that provide health services through Dmed (Declaration of Medical Services).
• From the taxpayer’s IRPF return from the previous calendar year.

The pre-filled advertisement retrieves the information provided on the Carnê-Leão Web by
Professionals are obligated to pay monthly.

• To the professional who reported it on the Carnê-Leão Web
Income received – to the income statement

• For the clients of this professional (whether holder or affiliate)
Paid Payments – For Payment Coupon