March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

João Pessoa resumes face-to-face service to issue SUS card starting Monday (11) |  Paraiba

João Pessoa resumes face-to-face service to issue SUS card starting Monday (11) | Paraiba

Face-to-face service at SUS Card headquarters in Joao Pessoa She will resume on Monday (11), after two years of remote service only. The information was confirmed by the municipal health department of the municipality, which made the decision after improving the epidemic indicators in the capital, Paraíba.

According to the Secretariat, people who live in Joao Pessoa And who still do not have the document. They also need to go to the place, Those whose applications for consultations, examinations and surgeries are not included in the regulation system by the writing centers of the regionThis is due to the need to update the registry.

“People with handwritten cards or cards starting with 898 with 1 and 2, as well as those who are lost and need a duplicate, should update the card,” said service coordinator Allen Melo.

Aline indicates that cards issued online are still valid and do not need to be updated or reissued.

The service works Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., without lunch break. Space on Avenida Roy Barbosa, in the neighborhood of Torre.

The required documents

  • General Registration (RG)
  • Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF)
  • proof of residence in Joao Pessoain the username

Valid as proof of residencyWater, energy, internet, credit card bills, or supermarket bills.

In the absence of these documents in the username, it is recommended to search for the family health unit where the user is registered and processed. There, a residence permit will be issued.

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