March 15, 2025

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Juliet says she watched ‘BBB 21’ in full and is self-critical about the beginning: ‘I was abused’;  He watches

Juliet says she watched ‘BBB 21’ in full and is self-critical about the beginning: ‘I was abused’; He watches

I miss?! While participating in “Podcats” on Tuesday (25), Juliette Freire raised to Virginia Fonseca e Camila Loris Who watched all episodes of the showBBB 21The edition that dedicated its hero. “I watched everything that was on TV, but it’s crazy. I was abused at first, I said ‘Oh my God how did you scream. I was boring!'”Paraibana laughed.

In a good mood, the singer also reflected on her on-and-off relationship with her Fayuk no fact: “Everyone thought that when I walked in, Vuk was flirting, but I didn’t. He was so nervous, so anxious, and then I said ‘I’m going to break the ice’ and decided to play like ‘Oh my God, marry me.’ I think people are starting to enjoy it, and they find it funny as well He did the editing. But you can see that when we went home, I completely distanced myself from him, because he was fine then. It was a joke, but people took it seriously, I canceled, but they canceled me, thank God.”.

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The influencer also saw that if she fell on a wall in the first week, she would be eliminated. “The first week swallowed me up. I was going to leave (in the first week) Certainly. Everyone said to me, Either you love me or you breathe, and having known me, you understood my manner, my appearance, my expressions, my jokes. The first time people hardly like me, but then they understand me. My friends used to say “If you don’t go to the first wall you win, the fear is to get out of the first wall”He said.

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“When they gave me that immunity, I said ‘I was saved,’ but then there was all this conflict. I couldn’t talk, it couldn’t be me. There was a moment until I started talking to myself. I arrived at the first party and people left. That’s when Camila (from Lucas) She was able to talk to me and I was able to reconnect with myself. it was hard. I thought about giving up so many times, that in the first week I even said I was leaving”then stated.

Social Network Administrators

During the conversation, Juliet spoke about rumors that her team members were hired by the participants of “BBB 22”, to take care of social networks. When I went to the ‘BBB’ I left a handwritten paper saying who would have my social networks. They were all friends, each had a different skill, and then they put together the gang, hire some administrators, but that way, no money, done Made it out of love and expectation. When I left BBB, my friends who were in the beginning stayed. My team is with me!”reinforced.

Comparisons with Slovenia

On social media, many comparisons have been made between Juliette and Slovenia Márquez, who is also from Paraíba, like the cactus queen. Freire, in turn, believes that this will change over time. “It’s a stereotype. Compare Slovenia with me. I understand that from the dialect, there is a hint of desire to label. It is for the sake of the stereotype of the region [Nordeste]. But with a little time, this is really falling apart, the character speaks [por si]. It’s the first week [do programa]Everyone compares. After it passes, people are unique”The actress has finally figured it out. He watches:

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