Kevin Spacey Three men in four separate cases could be extradited to the UK after being charged with sexual assault. The 62-year-old American actor, a two-time Oscar winner, will be forced to return to a European country if he does not return voluntarily. Said experts who asked The Guardian newspaper.
Experts specializing in the handover told the British newspaper that US police could be sent to arrest Spacey on behalf of British authorities.
“If he returns to the UK, he could get a network package that would allow him to return to the United States,” said Nick Vamos, an official in the case.
In 2017, London’s Old Wick Theater reported that between 1995 and 2013, Spacey received 20 separate charges of misconduct from 20 men in or around the theater. Actor Kevin Spacey has been charged with several counts of sexual misconduct.
The star of the House of Cards series won the Oscar for Best Actor at an American Beauty and Best Supporting Actor for The Usual Suspects.
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