March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Learn about the path of Germano Hoffmann, the oldest doctor in Brusk, who passed away on Friday.

Learn about the path of Germano Hoffmann, the oldest doctor in Brusk, who passed away on Friday.

On the night of the third Friday of this month, the residents of Brusk received sad confirmation of the death of Germano Hoffmann, the doctor with the oldest active record in the city. He was 95 years old and the father of seven children. for you Professional career in Brusque It started in 1957.


Germano was the son of Moritz, a baker who had a famous enterprise in the city, and who was a great supporter of his studies. His path began in Grupo Escolar Alberto Torres, today’s Colégio Cônsul, but at the time, Brusque did not have what was called a gymnasium, or the last four years of elementary school. With the support of his father, he continued his studies in Florianopolis.

He finished high school and completed three more years of scientific studies in 1946. A year earlier, while on vacation in Brusk, he was diagnosed with appendicitis. He had to be hospitalized for seven days at Azambuja Hospital. During this time, he was pleased with the respect and treatment the doctors received from other patients and staff.

Deciding to pursue this career, he went to Curitiba to train as a doctor at the former Medical College of Paraná, which he switched to Paraná Federal University in his second year of study. He graduated in 1954 and then spent time in Santa Casa de Misricordia in São Paulo.

career path

personal archive

In 1957 he returned to Brusque, to strengthen the city’s medical board. Germano graduated as a GP and his first job in town was at Jardim Maluche Health Centre.

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Act on key moments in the city, such as the malaria epidemic, as well as numerous cases of worms, asthma, epileptic seizures, tetanus, typhus, and more.

Germano has been registered with the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM) since 1959. Currently, all recent graduates need this registration to work in the profession, which was different when the activity started.

The year he applied to the board of directors, he remembers that a CRM representative was in Brusque to register professionals who had already worked here, but were still without this certification.

Not everyone wanted to apply to the board of directors at the time, but Germano chose to sign up. He retained CRM SC 0168, one of the first 200 physicians to have this document, which is still active today.

Over the decades, Germano has experienced several significant moments in lecherous medicine. One of them was the installation of emergency home medical assistance services (Samdu), which is the equivalent of today’s Samu. He recalls that the unit was intended only for large cities, but Adelino Alves, in direct talks with then-President Joao Goulart, managed to bring it to Brusque.

Beyond medicine

In addition to being a physician, Germano was chancellor and mayor of Brusk, and head of an Evangelical Lutheran parish. He was responsible for building the funerary chapel near the old maternity hospital.

In 1956 he married Leah Vianna Hoffmann and met her in Florianopolis. Together they had seven children and sought to unite the family.

Some Germano descendants also followed the path in the health zone. He had three great-grandchildren, two grandsons and a son-dentist, as well as two great-grandchildren and a son who is a biochemist.

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Doctor Germano Hoffmann dies at the age of 95 in Brusk

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