March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Legal Palace and STF

Legal Palace and STF

Legal Palace and STF

Photo: Nelson Jr./SCO/STF

In May this year, data sheet released a survey on A glimpse of the nearly 1.2 million lawyers currently working in Brazil. Showed that professionals have Average income 5,855 riyals Monthly – 44% profits, not more than 2500 riyals. This is the income that the masses of lawyers put in class c, apart from the economic elite, to which in the past the certificate granted access almost automatically.

So, people run what they can. He does odd jobs in other jobs. or Make fun of Insta and Tik Tok, to see if it wins customers. Ruy Barbosa I would be shocked by the number of lawyers who, instead of striving for the pinnacle of public speaking, are making posts using Wig or with weird sound filters on social networks. It was missing – now it’s not – a reality show. If you had a reality show with an inventor, entrepreneur, and chef, why not? “law professionals”?

work is called legal palace It will be held in early December in Búzios, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. It’s not a real palace. It is a large semi decadent house with a swimming pool at the back. However, Alberto Lopez Jr., the 39-year-old lawyer from Rio de Janeiro who designed the event, managed to attract a handful of colleagues who already had some digital presence to be photographed 24/7, while participating. “from Evidence NS Dynamics related to law, entrepreneurship and digital marketing.

“Swimming in the pool in a swimsuit or bikini means nothing about our competence or our personality”Alberto told Migalhas legal website.

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Alberto is also on sale, at a cost of 1697 SAR, VIP tickets allow Bachelor’s or junior lawyers Watch the game in place, and at the end of the day, do it Lots of integration, lots of networking.. At night there will be Hawaiian luau, cheese ball, white party and View legal position.

This story circulated a lot this past weekend, and always with a fun tone that I use here as well. It’s hard not to find it preposterous. In these times you remember the authors The Marxists you read in college (law, in my case) French quotes Jay Debord: “The whole life of societies in which modern conditions of production prevail is announced as a gigantic accumulation of spectacles.”

But, show for show, there is probably worse. NS Federal Supreme Court (photo), For example, he was seduced by logical reality show, where each participant plays his own game, without worrying about the camaraderie from which it derives, to a large extent, the legitimacy of the court.

This is the same supreme The minister who sings and plays guitar at a business dinner, which – which pizza service For Centrao or . Constable Calls heads of authorities, accused and political leaders to discuss in Portugal, with cod and wine, changes in the Brazilian political system.

Employees legal palace? Let’s release them.

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