March 14, 2025

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Manpower shortage – Executive Digest

Manpower shortage – Executive Digest

According to a British Chamber of Commerce (CCB) survey of more than 5,700 companies, 70% of companies had trouble hiring staff in the second quarter of 2021. The worst affected sector was construction (82%), followed by hotels (79%) and restaurants (76%). “When companies return to normal, the shortage of manpower betrays aspirations and decisions,” CCP president Jane Croton explained in a statement to the press.

A recent report from the UK’s National Statistics Office (ONS) found that the number of jobs released between April and June exceeded pre – epidemic levels: 862,000, almost 10% higher than between January and March 2020.

The challenge to fill these positions is not new to the British government, but rather the recurrence of an event that occupied the country and companies after the Brexit exit agreement came into force in January this year.

According to a report by British Employment and Personnel Selection (REC) and Consulting KPMG, the number of workers available in the UK has been declining since 1997.

This scene is happening again in the United States

This scene is happening again in the United States. In June, U.S. companies registered 10.07 million jobs in Joe Biden’s administration’s labor department.

This category recorded a significant increase compared to 9.48 million vacancies recorded in May and 6.11 million “vacant” jobs recorded in June 2020.

The increase from May to June was mainly driven by the private sector, of which more than 553 thousand vacancies are to be filled, while the civil service is still looking for collaborators for 37 thousand jobs.

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On the other hand, the number of new employees increased to 6.7 million, an increase of 697 thousand compared to May, which was the main stimulus in retail (291,000) and schools (94,000); And manufacturing industry (36,000).

Last week, the labor force unemployment rate rose to 5.4% in July, down 0.5% from May.

In Portugal, talent is on the “path of destruction”

In Portugal, the shortage of talent has reached a historically high level, reaching 60%, 3 percentage points higher than the number recorded in 2019, according to a study by the Ports Human Resources Committee.

The study found that 18% and 42% of national companies experience a lot and some difficulty in recruiting, 29% have no difficulty in hiring, and 11% do not know how to respond.

Epidemic work is causing a profound change in the world. In recent months, new job models have become more important in terms of job opportunities, values ​​or company purpose, as well as workers’ new preferences and aspirations, ”explains Rui Dixira, CEO of Manpower Group Portugal. With admin digest.

Filling in the logistics and functions is very difficult

As companies transform and digitize, so do the needs of skills. Employers are currently looking for the right combination of hard and soft skills, which emphasizes the difficulty of hiring.

In Portugal, operations and logistics operations report difficulties in hiring a large number of employers (25%), followed by industry and manufacturing operations, with 20%.

As Rui Dixiera recalls, by accelerating the market reality, “the simple operations performed by the fuel auto mechanic changed completely with the advent of electric cars”.

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