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Most downloaded apps in Brazil in 2021

Most downloaded apps in Brazil in 2021

Software development and market analysis company EmizenTech has released a list of the most downloaded apps in 2021 in Brazil. Unlike in many parts of the world, where social networks tend to drive such lists, the champions here are different.

The survey collected statistics on the most downloaded apps by country, category, operating system, and other topics important to understanding the software industry. The data provided summarizes information extracted from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android).

The most downloaded mobile apps in Brazil in 2021

  1. Youtube: More than 10 billion downloads
  2. Instagram: Over 1 billion downloads
  3. cable: Over 1 billion downloads
  4. Shopee: Over 100 million downloads
  5. Kwai: Over 100 Million Downloads
  6. SHEIN: Over 100 million downloads
  7. iFood: More than 50 million downloads
  8. More than 10 million downloads
  9. ConnectSUS: Over 10 Million Downloads
  10. easy | Social Commerce: Over 1 Million Downloads

According to EmizenTech, Shopee was one of the surprises because it has less time in Brazil, but it is already showing its strength in the shopping segment. Along the same lines, the company emphasizes the Facily and the proposal to offer the products at lower prices.

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Another notable feature is the Connect SUS system, which helps citizens view data on vaccinations, exams and related medical information. The Ministry of Health platform had an explosion in September but has been down since last Friday (10). After being attacked by ransomware.

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Brazil had some apps that surprised EmizenTech’s most downloaded list (Photo: Cloning/Sensor Tower)

How was the search done?

It is noteworthy that the company responsible for the research claims to have extracted the data from “reliable sources”, but does not disclose what it is. There is also no exact information about the exact amount of downloads on each platform.

The data draws attention due to the lack of some important applications that usually top the lists, such as Facebook social networking siteAnd tik tok, Louisa Magazine. However, the ranking gives an interesting overview of the champions of the various sectors and how competitors will need to strive to beat them.

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