Posted on 07/06/2022 20:00 / Updated on 07/06/2022 20:37

(Credit: Paulo H Carvalho/Brasilia Agency)
The Public Accounts Ministry of the Federal District (MPCDF) has opened a procedure to investigate irregularities in the payment of fees for trips to Banco de Brasilia (BRB) directors to Uruguay to attend the Copa Libertadores final, in November 2021. The directors of the institution.
According to the document that Mail Access, the complaint to the MPCDF Department of Home Affairs was anonymous. Reports indicate that the BRB Board of Directors approved an award “in its own interest”, which caused the bank to pay the expenses of nine bank directors and their families (spouses and children) in Montevideo, marked as a “leisure trip”.
“The complaint records that the aforementioned trip took place regardless of the professional activities of the bank’s employees, on a day off; without the approval of the Board of Directors or an opinion of the Remuneration Committee and in disagreement with the statutory rules.” The representation of the authority has been referred to the Federal District Court of Auditors (TCDF) and signed by Attorney General Demóstenes Tres Albuquerque.
In the text, Albuquerque also states that BRB is limited to saying that the trip was “in the context of the Bank’s promotional and ‘relationship actions'”, without any details about the legal process leading to the approval and award of the benefit and about the expenses involved; or explanations as to the compatibility of the decision and the expenses with BRB regulations”.
According to the Prosecutor’s text, “there is no doubt” that – although it has the legal nature of a mixed-capital company exploring economic activity – the state-owned company, in addition to adhering to the principle of efficiency, is, as such, under the terms of Art. 37 of the Federal Constitution and art. 19 of the Basic Law of the Federal District, “also adheres, in carrying out its activities, to the principles of legality, economy, impersonality, propaganda and morality”
Albuquerque highlighted: “In this sense, Banco de Brasília S/A’s superficial appearance on the complaint, as well as the lack of detailed explanations and supporting documentation for its claims, highlights the substantiation of the combined complaint.”
It’s not the first complaint against BRB. Minority shareholders and employee entities are challenging the lack of transparency in disclosing data related to the BRBCard process, which piles up with the negligence of Flamengo fans. Specialists see an accounting maneuver, but the inspection bodies have not commented on the matter.
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