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‘Novelei’: The cast assembles for a collective series that recreates the classics from the small screen |  series world

‘Novelei’: The cast assembles for a collective series that recreates the classics from the small screen | series world

A parallel world, after a system glitch, the drama series begins to erase it from everyone’s memory. 😬 With that, no one knows what it is anymore”please! “Or remember who Odette Roitmann was. That’s the chain’s suggestion.”a novelWhich will premiere next Monday, 7/11, on TV Globo’s YouTube channel.

With nine episodes, the project promises to recreate scenes from Brazil StreetAnd the destination ladyAnd the everything goes And a lot of other humor. In addition to well-known names such as Tony RamosAnd the Susanna Vieira And the Paulo Vieira“Novelei” will make a special appearance as a guest, including Kawa Raymond And the Carolina Dickman. Strong team of influencers and YouTubers Complete the set – Wenderson NunesAnd the Deva depressionAnd the Thalita Menghem (channel after 11), KefiraAnd the Babu’s professionAnd the Gustav StocklerAnd the FelixAnd the Evandro Rodriguez And the Livia La Gato It has also been confirmed.

A strong team of influencers and users complete the group – Whindersson Nunes, Diva Depressão, Thalita Meneghim (Canal Além Das 11), Kéfera, Babu Carreira, Gusta Stockler, Phellyx, Evandro Rodrigues and Livia La Gatto – Photo: Disclosure/Joe Coutinho

Created by Pia Brown In cooperation with Nigel Goodman And the Marcelo MartinezThe series is directed by Felipe Jovigli. Do you want to know what happened in the virtual chat with the press that took place this Tuesday 5/07? We tell you!

To save narratives from destruction, Vetino (Paulo Vieira), a production assistant with many years at Estúdios Globo, calls on a team of content creators. composed by Thalita MenghemAnd the Gustav StocklerAnd the FelixAnd the Babu’s professionAnd the Evandro Rodriguez And still a beginner Anita (Livia La Gato), the group’s task is to rework some of the works that marked the time. For this endeavor, they will rely on the assistance of artificial intelligence. Susaninha (Susanna Vieira).

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Left to right: Paulo Vieira, Thalita Menghem, Felix, Evandro, Justa, Papo Carrera and Livia La Gato – Photo: Joe Coutinho

In the “Novelei” version of “Avenida Brasil”, Nina finally bought a Flash Memory to save spoiled carmineha photos; In Senhora do Destino, Nazaré is the character everyone only vaguely remembers for a meme; In “O Cravo ea Rosa” the famous pig Januario can’t be missing, lives on at the hands of a digital influencer. And it doesn’t end there! It also has room for “Family Ties,” “Vamp,” “O Clone,” and other dramaturgy classics.

“This project is such a declaration of love for soap operas. Without the daily dramaturgy, Brazil would be completely different. The emotional memory of all of us would be compromised. That is why we play with soap operas, from the absolute classics to the personal classics of everyone. With subversion, but also Proud of our heritage, the motto of “Novelei” is: A universe without TV series is a place of chaos and destruction,” commented Pia Brown, who signed the script for the series.

Cauã Reymond and Whindersson Nunes are some of Novelei’s posts – Photo: Disclosure / Ju Coutinho

Paolo Vieira, nerd Vitino

We see a lot Geeks, but never TV. I think he is a unique Brazilian character. I recognize this place, with this love of television, which means affection, patriotic conversation, union, and I think the introduction is beautiful.”

On a mission to help restore soap opera history, an AI will be a modern novelist in Novelei: Susaninha – who has the voice of singer and actress Susana Vieira. It is responsible for providing information for each TV series that must be re-created by influencers.

“I haven’t fulfilled this role yet.”

Tony Ramos, or rather, Seo Tony is the idol of Vetino. The actor devoted to teledramaturgy has been present in many serials, but his life is in danger due to the serial error. He’ll have the help of Vitino and influencers so he doesn’t completely disintegrate. He still has the same talented changing self, found in his many re-creations, which is your Cardboard Tony.

“I was charmed by the idea. It charmed me in a way that I could put into the form of an explanation.”

influential Thalita Menghem He arrives with a mission to play some of the heroes and supporting cast – but, of course, always shines a spotlight on all their online greatness. In the series, she played Maria de Fatima, Jade, the vampire Natasha, Isabel Tedesco, among other characters. Did you get references?

Episodes will be available every Monday, starting at 8pm, on TV Globo’s YouTube channel.