March 16, 2025

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Oberlandia confirms first case of H3N2 influenza

Oberlandia confirms first case of H3N2 influenza

Uberlandia Confirmed the first case of flu A/H3N2 in town. A patient who has not been informed of his identity, gender or age is treated pain In the private network, according to Municipal Health Department.

The folder reported, through a memo, that the patient had been notified of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SRAG), with symptoms appearing on the Sunday (26), after Christmas. “With the performance of exams in the private network, the H3N2 detector has been found,” confirmed Municipal Secretary.

Also according to the note issued by the folder in the format UberlandiaThe health care network has already conducted large-scale active research and monitoring in the area covered” in the municipality.

In Minas Gerais, the Ezequiel Dias Foundation (FONID) identified 195 cases flu A/H3N2 and one of flu A/H1N1 is in the state, between December 1 and December 28, according to the state Department of Health (SES-MG). The result came from research focused on the influenza virus using RT-PCR testing methodology.

variant of H3N2 Specialists pointed out that they are responsible for the significant increase in cases of influenza in different regions of the country at the end of the year. They recommend residents to maintain the biosafety protocols used in COVID-19Such as washing hands frequently and using a mask that covers your nose and mouth to prevent the spread of the virus.

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