March 10, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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‘Odyssey’: Cubans reconsider failed attempt to immigrate to the United States

‘Odyssey’: Cubans reconsider failed attempt to immigrate to the United States

'Odyssey': Cubans reconsider failed attempt to immigrate to the United States

A Cuban immigrant emerges from the water before being detained by Cuban agents after a shipwreck in an attempt to reach the United States on June 4, 2009 in Havana.

At sea for seven days, three of them wander without food or water: Eleven young Cubans told the island’s television network this Thursday (13) about the “Odyssey” they experienced in a failed attempt to illegally immigrate to the United States.

Faced with the danger of being swept away in the Gulf of Mexico waters, two young men tried to swim ashore after the small fishing boat they were traveling in sank, alerting border guards. Save the rest of the team.

One of the unidentified Costways, told about the “Odyssey” he lived with his comrades. “All day long the water, the waves, the waves outside (…) I was so scared. I thought I was going to die.

Since leaving the island, they have spent seven days at sea, three of whom have wandered without anything to eat or drink. One was under panic attack.

Mario Caesar Suarez, the second-in-command of the Border Patrol in the province of Pinar del Rio, explained that the youth had been rescued “in a very critical area.”

“There they exposed themselves to dangers like strong waves and strong currents. They were also available to predators like sharks,” Suarez added.

“We paddled all day and tried to stay ashore, but we could not because the current was so strong that it would not allow us (…) we did not eat all day,” the settler said.

In December, two Cubans were killed when a ship with 23 migrants sank off the coast of Cuba, according to local media. Eight months ago, two more died and 10 others went missing at sea while trying to reach the coast of Florida.

The economic crisis that Cuba is experiencing is leading many to emigrate in any possible way, especially in search of better opportunities, especially for the young.

The U.S. Coast Guard said Thursday that it had repatriated 33 Cubans detained at sea that day. As of October 1, they had reached 557.

According to the same source, in fiscal year 2021, 838 Cubans were detained at sea, compared to 49 in 2020 over the same period.

Havana accuses Washington of failing to comply with an agreement requiring the United States to issue 20,000 immigrant visas a year to Cubans.

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