Ukrainian officials said Tuesday that workers digging through the rubble of an apartment building in Mariupol have found 200 bodies,...
Allison, the UK's first hydrogen - powered garbage collection truck, has received an automatic transmission. The vehicle uses the power...
Taxpayers with legal priority receive the first paymentThe income tax payment schedule begins next week;The fifth installment of refunds will...
exerciseAccording to Leo Dias, the ex-brother thrives on networks and gets very high in advertisingfor every Rafael Belmont05/24/2022 - 09:21...
Photo: Raquel Portugal/Vecruz The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) is calling for enhanced non-pharmaceutical measures, such as distancing, mask wearing...
Palm treesVerdau can finish the group stage as the best campaign in history and also as the best attack in...
The Instagram Significantly changed since its first version, Close Friends only allowed stories to be shared by friends. Temporary messages...
you we Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said at a news conference that they plan...
Joe and Jess Dwight, a couple living in Gloucester, England, woke up last week to what they considered to be...
President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) has commented on the 30% reduction in Petrobras' natural gas supplies from Bolivia's state-owned Yacimientos Petrolíferos...