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Pregnant with Juf, Juma leaves her husband to live with Jose Lucas TV News

Pregnant with Juf, Juma leaves her husband to live with Jose Lucas TV News

in wet landThe famous phraseQuerinbora” in Friday (Alanis Guillen) will make way for “If you are, in need to counting”. This is how a Jaguar woman will stay Jose Lucas (Erander Santos) lives with her in Tapera for several seasons of Globo at 9 AM. In 1990, the scenes of living together stirred up the audience’s revolution, and this time, it’s Re-stimulate scenes.

In another inappropriate situation, Juma – who will be pregnant – will turn into a jaguar and run away from Jose Leoncio (Marcos Palmera) to come back to live in Tefira while hollow Jesuita Barbosa travels. Disappointed by Erica (Marcella Vitter)Jose Lucas will go after his sister-in-law to check if she is okay and not leaving.

He will even try to go back to tell the family and get some clothes, but Juma will confirm: “Sand I was in need to countingThe phrase to exhaustion will be repeated every time the former truck driver tries to leave Taftira to do something.

The two will live together in perfect harmony. In several chapters, the telenovela will explore the transformative presence José Lucas will have there in Tapera, renovating the hut and taking care of it as if he were making a nest for Juma. The native will begin to notice the differences between him and Geoff and be charmed by her son-in-law.

In one of the sequences, Jose Lucas will cut wood with his bare back while the Pantanera works on something close to him. They will put things in their place and give that place an atmosphere of home. Jose Lucas will occupy this emotional space at a time when Juma needs shelter.

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Compare Friday Brothers

You’ll stare at him, admire his style, think about everything, and gauge the differences between him and Goof. The climate of complicity between the daughter of Maria Marois (Juliana Paes) and the pawn will grow, and in the face of this experience, her liking for him will grow. You’ll feel it, of course, fills in the voids that have been left open in that hut since her death. generation (Enrique Diaz).

Despite all the rusticity, Juma will look like she’s never been happy, because the atmosphere of motherhood will benefit her. In one scene, a pregnant woman will ask José Lucas to take off her shirt to take a shower. The man takes off his shirt and goes back to work. Gomaa will take his shirt off and be completely soft: “ara… he has one good boy“.

In another sequence, he’ll take off his sweaty shirt and take a bath in a tub. Alanis Guillen’s character will look at you, showing that she enjoys company, but she won’t get too excited about it. The two will talk about her future with Goff. Juma will insist that she will not return with her husband and will ask if Jose Leoncio’s eldest son wants to leave.

“I Just go from here if You are I’m a name wanted More here,” the former truck driver will respond. So, in this case, You are he can Spends‘ says Juma.

Written by Benedetto Roy Barbosathe television series Pantanal was broadcast in 1990 by Manchete (1983-1999) which now ceases to exist. Globo edition modified by Bruno Luperi, the grandson of the story’s creator, and will be on the air until October. Then Globo will appear for the first time Crossing, Gloria Perez’s plot.

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Read the Summaries of upcoming chapters From the novel Pantanal.

Learn all about the next chapters of the series with the Noveleiros podcast

Hear “#109 – Velho do Rio Takes a Flowery Letter to Juma in the Pantanal!” on Spreaker.

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