March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Reports reveal that Bernacon failed to clean up Amapá hospitals –

Reports reveal that Bernacon failed to clean up Amapá hospitals –

for every Seal Fountains

Bernacom, which has already investigated the operations of the Federal Police, is trying in court to cancel the offer of the Ministry of Health (Sesa) and continue to provide services in the hospital network. The company also claims to have receivables. However, reports from health facilities reveal that the company was failing in its primary mission: keeping hospitals clean.

The state Ministry of Health has received several reports from unit managers condemning poor service provision. On February 18 this year, a report from Santana State Hospital revealed that the company would not provide cleaning materials to employees, who would also be in insufficient quantities to provide a good service.

A month ago, the hospital was without the company’s cleaning service during a Bernacom server outage due to late payments. Even 30% of employees, who should have stayed in their jobs, were not working in the hospital.

“Soon there was chaos, which compromised all the services of the institution and caused many inconveniences,” the hospital director denounced in a letter sent to Sesa.

The situation was similar in other units. In Children’s and Adolescent Hospital (HCA) and in Pediatric Emergency Care (PAI) there was a shortage of plastic bags for storing waste produced in the hospital. In the northern UPA region, the company will not supply the unit with cleaning supplies.

The situation in Santana Hospital

In HCA and PAI

… and in the northern region UPA

In the same month, Judge Alaíde de Paula, of the Fourth Civil Court of Macapá, overturned an injunction to Bernacom ordering the company to leave the hospital network, and relocate service stations to Alpha Comércio e Serviços, the bid winner and current service provider.

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In January, the Sanitation Workers’ Union formally asked the Health Department to transfer payments to the company that was still pending for the entity. According to the entity, Bernacom is due for November and December 2021 salaries, plus 5 years of food stamps, 5 years of overdue vacation, plus FGTS and INSS.

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The company’s business problems are old, as shown Report from SelesNafes.Com portal in 2017in one of several strikes by employees due to delays in wages. At that time, there were employees who had been paid in arrears since 2013.

The company has also been the target of PF operations in several investigations. In 2016, she was accused of being the primary beneficiary of a fake credit scheme. Purchased by the Legislative Assembly. In 2020, Bernacom was once again the target of Operation PF Also related to phantom credits.

In the event of an attempt to clean up hospitals, the Court of Justice will go on to rule on the appeal of Bernacom, who has already lost the main lawsuit in the lower court.