March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Republika Srpska issues epidemiological alert for critical dengue case

Republika Srpska issues epidemiological alert for critical dengue case

The Department of Health (SES) on Friday issued an epidemiological alert regarding dengue fever. Epidemiological data indicate an increase in cases of dengue fever This year compared to last year, both notifications and confirmations. “This trend will continue until about June, which is the seasonal period for the disease,” Jader Cardoso, a biologist with the State Center for Health Surveillance (Cevs), said during a meeting of the Center for Public Health Emergency Operations (COE). ) Arboviruses that occurred last Friday (25).

a Rio Grande do Sul So far, in 2022, 2,252 confirmed cases of dengue have been recorded, including 2,031 pure cases (contracted in their area of ​​residence). The most important regions of the state are those belonging to the Regional Sanitary Coordination (CRSs): I (Porto Alegre), II (Frederico Westfalen), and XVI (Lajedo). There are already 193 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul that have reported suspected cases. One dengue death has been confirmed in Chapada, and six more dengue deaths are under investigation.

Eleven cases of chikungunya have been confirmed, 10 of which are authentic. Assurances are mainly concentrated in the municipality of Agua Santa, in the region of Paso Fundo, 6 CRS. With regard to Zika, a case considered imported (contracted outside of Rio Grande do Sul) has been confirmed in Encantado. Yellow fever has not recorded any confirmed cases in humans, only cases in non-human primates, indicating circulation of the virus and the need for vaccination.

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