March 16, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Rikko, Tate and MC Goi ask for the votes of the audience in the countryside

Rikko, Tate and MC Goi ask for the votes of the audience in the countryside

MC Gui, Rico Melquiades and Tati Quebra Barraco They are the nouns that are opposed to thefarm 13″ (RecordTV), on the sixth farm of reality villager.

After Stefane Matos wins the seventh farmer’s race, who got off the hot seat, the trio asked the audience to let them take part in the game. In alphabetical order, they began:

MC Gui

Well, in addition to the fruits that the program can bring me, I came here with a great goal. I like to fight People’s judgmentThe prejudgment, the cancellation, the hate distribution that people do because I think not only everyone who’s here, but everyone who watches it has actually gone through something like this and you know how painful it is, it hurts a lot. MC Gui

“I came here to show who I am and the normal person who makes mistakes, but it’s more right. I would like people to let me show how much love is in my heart,” funkeiro concluded.

Rico Melquiades

So guys, as you have already seen, I gave myself 100% here, I lived intensely, I cried, I got scared, I made people smile, I smiled, I screamed in the crowd, but that’s me. I came to show that I am not perfect, I am imperfect and I am counting on you to let me stay here, please help me. Don’t get me out now, I know I’m going to other fields, you’ll get me out next time. Rico Melquiades

Tate Brix Shack

I came here with three goals: stay, stay and leave. I’m in the countryside, and now it’s up to you, the Brazilian nation, now it’s about smashing everything. […] I’m not going to make speeches because the only person who knows you is you, you follow everything here, you see the truth of your own life. I’m in the field, call it generic and let’s vote. Jesus! Tate Brix Shack

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Check out all the gardens already formed in the thirteenth edition of “A Fazenda”