March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

RN confirms first case of monkeypox |  great northern river

RN confirms first case of monkeypox | great northern river

According to the Minister of State for Public Health (Cesap), the patient is 40 years old and is stable, without the need for hospitalization, isolated in his residence.

The man had a recent travel history to Spain. He was treated at the State Health Network on June 23, and the case was reported and sent for investigation.

“The patient is doing well, at home, in isolation, and still being monitored by a team of infection specialists at Giselda Treguero Hospital. It is important to make clear to all residents that we are indeed maintaining the flow of diagnostic care in the state network of potential monkeypox cases. [varíola dos macacos] Here at RN,” explained the sub-coordinator of epidemiological surveillance at Sesap, Diana Rigo.

Confirming the first case, Sesap emphasized to residents the need to maintain care and attention to symptoms.

“We ask and would also like to inform all residents of the importance of identifying potential symptoms and seeking health units as soon as possible,” Diana stated.

The state health network already has an influx of ready-made care, especially Giselda Trigueiro hospitals, in birthdayand Rafael Fernandez, in Mossoro, to deal with the final issues.

The Transmission occurs through close contact with injuries, body fluids, respiratory droplets, and contaminated materials.

Monkey pox: see 5 points about the disease

Monkey pox: see 5 points about the disease

The infection is self-healing, with symptoms lasting two to four weeks, and can be divided into two periods: invasion, lasting between zero and five days, with fever, headache, muscle pain, backache, and severe asthenia.

The rash begins one to three days after the onset of the fever. The rash has similar clinical features with chickenpox or syphilis, with a difference in the regular development of the lesions.

The viral infection has already spread to more than 30 countries, including Brazil. The country’s first case of monkeypox was confirmed in the city of São Paulo on June 8.

The patient, a 41-year-old man who had traveled to Spain, which has the second highest number of cases of the disease, was placed in isolation at the Infectologia Emílio Ribas, in the western region of the capital.