March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Santa Catarina records more than 130 cases of yellow fever;  Monkey dies of disease

Santa Catarina records more than 130 cases of yellow fever; Monkey dies of disease

Eight of these cases were in humans, with three deaths in unvaccinated people; know how to prevent

Janelton Vieira / International Olympic Committee / VuecruzThe Aedes aegypti mosquito is the cause of yellow fever

Oh Government Santa Catarina 137 cases were recorded yellow fever. On Friday, the Epidemiological Surveillance Board (DIVE) issued a circular 10 reports that a monkey has died as a result of the disease in Piedras Grandes, south of the state. The batch of death confirmation materials was withdrawn on 24 November. Dave also said there have been eight cases of the disease in humans and three deaths, all of whom were unvaccinated. The period with the highest transmission rates for yellow fever is between December and May, when weather conditions are favorable for the breeding of mosquitoes that transmit the disease. In a statement, DIVE asked residents to exercise caution. “It is time to strengthen disease control and prevention measures,” said director of the board of directors, Joao Augusto Brancher Tech. The alert confirms that the file monkeys You do not transmit the disease, but suffer from it.

The veterinarian from DIVE/SC, Aysla explained that “when a dead or sick monkey is found, it is important to inform the health service so that monitoring teams can go to the site to collect a sample of the animal and make a diagnosis,” Matsumoto said. The best way to prevent it is vaccination. From the age of nine everyone can be vaccinated. The dose is freely available at health centers across the country. If you have the following symptoms: sudden onset of fever, chills, severe headache, back and body aches, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain and jaundice (yellow skin) seek medical attention. More severe cases can cause internal bleeding and liver failure.

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