In early July, an 80-year-old man arrived at the medical office of Dr. Alvaro Ramalo and Offered two chickens as...
Four academies were closed, on Tuesday (24th), in Olinda, not big Recife, after irregularities were identified by the inspectors of... A patient waiting for new physical therapy by the Unified Health System (SUS), was enraged when she noticed the...
Maceio's Department of Health Deputy Secretary Aldo Calata has been removed from his position, at the request, after the JHC...
23 / before 19:04 By Luana Mota printing press insert_link The interim government has opened an investigation to investigate the...
A researcher at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) has warned of the possibility of a new 'supervisor'...
Healthcare doctor José Alberto Hermogenes, one of the founders of the Unified Health System (SUS), has died in Salvador as...
In Bahia, in the past 24 hours, 366 cases of COVID-19 (+0.03% growth rate) and 508 (+0.04%) cases were registered....
a New Zealand He admitted Sunday (22) that his "zero virus" strategy may no longer be viable. With only 20%...
The State Department of Health (SES-PE), this Saturday (21/08), recorded 477 cases of Covid-19. Of the confirmed cases today, 58...