March 15, 2025

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Serasa Lemba Nomi exhibition ends tomorrow

Serasa Lemba Nomi exhibition ends tomorrow

a Fair Name Clean Serasa It’s coming to an end tomorrow, the 31st, which means no one has ever done it Renegotiate your debt You still have time to do that. The campaign started on March 7 and has already promoted over 227 million deals and awarded another 4 billion R$ in rebates.

Read more: Will you pay in installments? Find out which option is better: PIX or credit card

According to the same Serasa data, 827,000 agreements were concluded with companies in the telecommunications sector. Another 298,000 with banks were closed.

Participating companies

About 63% of the companies in debt Brazilians participate in Serasa Limpa Nome. Some examples are: Santander, Bradescoand Inter, Itaú, Porto Seguro, Renner, Claro, Tenda, Avon, Carrefour, Riachuelo, Unimed and many more.

The customer can negotiate negative debts or overdue (non-negative) accounts, but not agreements regarding protests, bad checks, and bankruptcies. If your debt cannot be negotiated in this situation, the best option is to contact the creditor directly to try to reach an agreement.

How do you participate in Serasa Clean Name?

To check if there are any restrictions on your name and to check available options, please contact us through one of the following channels:

After choosing the best offer, simply inform whether the payment will be made in installments or in cash and choose the due date. The customer’s name is no longer negative after the first installment has been paid.

After payment, the company has up to 5 business days to withdraw the debt from the consumer’s CPF. The company is also responsible for requesting account deletion from Serasa’s defaulter registry.

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