March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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SP government resumes “Corujão da Saúde” with the aim of diagnosing cancer from the first

SP government resumes “Corujão da Saúde” with the aim of diagnosing cancer from the first

This Wednesday (29), the Sao Paulo government announced the resumption of the Healthy Owl Program, which targets cancer patients. The measure aims to attend more than 335,000 tests that were supposed to take place by August 31, but have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the government, services for this audience begin on Friday (1). Tests such as endoscopy (about 18.4 thousand), colonoscopy (11.1 thousand), proctosigmoidoscopy (1.5 thousand), computed tomography (180.5 thousand), ultrasound (28.5 thousand), biopsies (6.5 ml) and MRI (88.8 million) will be performed. )) ).

Through them, cancers of the skin, digestive system, thyroid gland, prostate, brain and lung can be diagnosed. Examinations were registered by the municipalities in the Cross (Central for Organization and Delivery of Health Services).

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In addition, the program will also provide 19,100 radiotherapy sessions to treat 1,000 patients.

Tests will be performed at specialized medical outpatient clinics (AMEs) and hospitals affiliated with the state’s Department of Health network. In addition, 50 private hospitals have already been mandated to provide care to patients, but this should start on October 11th. Among these units are the Syrian Lebanese Hospital and Albert Einstein.

“With the decrease in the number of hospitalizations for the Covid-19 virus and the advancement of vaccination in São Paulo, the most vaccinated state in Brazil, it will be possible to resume the ‘Health Owl’ in the best public and private hospitals, such as Albert Einstein Hospitals Serio, Lebanon and Oswaldo Cruz,” Doria said.

The Minister of State for Health, Jan Gornstein, indicated that other special units wishing to participate in the program could apply until Friday (1). “This primary care is targeting cancer patients, but in the coming weeks, we will be expanding this program to other diseases,” he said.

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In the first half of 2019, the Sao Paulo government launched the first phase of the Owl of Health to serve patients from all regions of the state. That year, 143,000 examinations for endoscopy, mammography and ultrasound were performed.

A special owl has also been created for cataract operations, where 6,300 surgeries have been performed in all regions. Also in the field of oncology, the local procedure of the program was carried out in the Bauru region to help 65 patients in need of radiotherapy.