Procrastination usually can bring many problems. In fact, he became an inspiration for a job, NS start who created smart glasses That prevents you from being distracted from your tasks. But new research from the University of Otago in New Zealand suggests the solution could be much simpler.
Study says the solution to procrastination is simpler than one might think (Image: clone/Pexels)
sent no Economic inquiryThe study found that the best way to avoid procrastination is to not set a deadline. However, if you are going to specify a delivery date, it is better if it is soon.
Stephen Knowles, one of the study’s authors, says: in the statement The research started because he and his team were interested in helping charities raise more money. Next, the researchers asked participants to complete an online survey to make a donation. They had a week, a month, or no deadline to respond.
Most responses occurred when participants did not have a deadline, while the long run seemed to give people permission to procrastinate and then forget.
According to Knowles, it is not surprising to find that setting a shorter deadline increased the chances of getting an answer compared to a longer deadline. “We interpret this as evidence that defining the long term, rather than the short term or no term, removes the urgency to act, which people often look at when they are asked for help,” he says.
However, he found it interesting to receive most responses when there is no set date. The hypothesis is that this may have led participants to assume an implicit deadline.
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