March 14, 2025

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TCU agrees to 5G auction notice;  The winner must install a private network for the government |  Economie

TCU agrees to 5G auction notice; The winner must install a private network for the government | Economie

NS Courts Union Accounts The TCU on Wednesday (25th) approved the auction notice for 5G, the new generation of mobile internet. There were seven votes to one.

a National Communications Agency Anatel was awaiting court analysis to make adjustments to the notice and auction scheduling, Due in October.

In the 5G auction, four 5G mobile internet frequency bands will be offered: 700MHz; 2.3 GHz 26 GHz and 3.5 GHz These bands act as “roads” in the air to transmit data.

The grant period, i.e. the right to exploit the domains, will be from 20 years. The auction will be held in 16 knots, divided between national and regional plots.

The gangs have investment commitments in return. These are the obligations that auction-winning operators have to fulfill, such as bringing the Internet to the country’s highways and to isolated places, among other things.

The future of the Internet in Brazil: Find out what to expect from 5G

The future of the Internet in Brazil: Find out what to expect from 5G

Judgment on the 5G operation began last week, when ministers formed a majority in favor of approving the notice, but a request for opinion (more time for analysis) by Minister Aroldo Cedraz. trial order for this fourth.

“It is necessary to consider that the real delay would be to allow the bidding process to proceed along the proposed lines, because in this case, we will condemn Brazil and Brazilian citizens to live for another 20 years with expensive and low-quality communication services,” Cedras said in a vote issued last week.

On Wednesday, in an unusual move in court sessions, The Minister made a long presentation of slides to justify his vote. On the slides, Cedraz noted major irregularities in the notice, such as errors in the frequency band pricing methodology, in the number of radio base stations that should be installed, in the urban classification, among others.

“The modeling adopted by Anatel has led us to conclude that the economic exploitation of 5G will be unfeasible in 5,510 Brazilian municipalities, including capital cities such as Brasilia, Salvador and Curitiba, as well as large cities such as Campinas and Ribeirao Preto,” Cedraz said. . “This bid offer is riddled with errors, not to mention fraud,” he added.

Operation reporter at TCU, Minister Raimundo Carreiro recommended the inclusion of Commitment to bringing high-quality mobile internet to public schools primary education in the country. This is a request from the House of Representatives Education Authority.

Last week, he had voted to limit the schools’ inclusion, which would force Anatel to change the notice. Since it is only a recommendation, it will be at the discretion of the agency and government.

The rapporteur also decided to keep public notice of the installation of a private telecom network for the government and the installation of a fiber-optic network in the Amazon, the so-called Integrated and Sustainable Amazon Program (Parents), which is part of the “Norte Conectado” program.

Carreiro contradicted the technical area of ​​the court, which Recommended exclusion of the two obligations. According to the technicians, the two undertakings violate the General Communications Act, bidding rules, budget rules and financial rules.

In April, it was Globo TV Show that the maneuver opens a loophole for For the government to invest up to R$2.5 billion “outside” the spending cap and budgetThis cost will be passed on to the operators.

For Carreiro, the Special Network and the Pais Program are exceptional measures to be adopted from the “relevant collective interest”, translating the choice of “the executive in the case of public policy making”.

Building a private communications network in Brasilia is a priority for the government. The Chinese company Huawei will not be able to provide the necessary equipment to install this special network, due to the rules in the notice. For commercial frequency bands, there will be no hindrance.

The four teams to be auctioned in the 5G tender were initially valued by Anatel at R$45.6 billion, of which R$37.1 billion was converted into investment commitments. With that said, the initial expectations were that the federation would bring together the difference, about R$8.5 billion.

In the 5G auction, phone operators will compete for the right to explore frequency bands. Then, the winners will have to purchase the equipment necessary to deliver the technology to their clients, as well as make the investments stipulated in the notice in return.