March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Technical visit showing installation in the emergency sector of Julia Kubitschek Hospital – Itatyaya Radio

Technical visit showing installation in the emergency sector of Julia Kubitschek Hospital – Itatyaya Radio

Adir Gomez / Agencia Minas
Photo: Adir Gomez/Agencia Minas

The unit was the target of many complaints, but Fhemig defended himself

Hospital Júlia Kubitschek, in the Barreiro district of Belo Horizonte, underwent a technical visit by deputies of the state and members of the Consolidated Federation of Health Workers of Minas Gerais (Sind-Saúde / MG) on Wednesday (25). The measure aims to investigate the delay in the release of the unit’s emergency sector, and has led to a series of complaints about irregularities.

“We have verified the closure of the emergency and emergency sector of the hospital. We have determined that these services are not fully functional, and they are not ready care. Paula Siqueira (Network).

The MP added that the state’s executive had committed, in a hearing, to reopening the 30th emergency family, which would not have happened. Siqueira asserts that worse cases have been found in the hospital.

“We found an attempt to form the government of Minas regarding the emergency sector. It was possible to transfer three families shortly before our arrival, to show that the ward was working, but they did not know the reason for the transfer. In the hospital a week waiting for tests. This played with human dignity,” he said. .

Also during the visit, the deputy noted the fragility of the facilities in Julia Kubitschek, “with complaints in the corridors of the lack of electric showers in several wards, with patients taking cold showers.” She also noted that there will be a hospital supply store, where there will be old and non-disrupted things as well as new beds and respirators, which will be “full of dust.”

What does Fhemig say?

In a note, the Minas Gerais State Hospital Foundation (Fhemig) said that “the unit follows established legal standards for the procurement of hospital equipment, supplies and materials.” He also explained that the information that patients do not have health care is incorrect.

Regarding the transfer of families, the entity said that there is a need for “internal resettlement to open isolation beds for cases showing symptoms of Covid-19.”

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