March 15, 2025

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The average price of a liter of gasoline rises again and exceeds 6 Brazilian reals – News

The average price of a liter of gasoline rises again and exceeds 6 Brazilian reals – News

average price gasoline At gas stations in Brazil, it advanced for the fifth week in a row and for the first time crossed the R$6 per liter mark.

In the current weekly survey released on Friday (4), the ANP (National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels) found the fuel for sale up to R$7199 per liter.

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According to the survey, the average price of regular gasoline at the pumps reached 6,007 riyals per liter this week, an increase of 0.41% over the previous one. The value of gasoline at Brazilian service stations has increased without interruption since the first week of August, according to the regulatory agency.

Among federal units, the average price charged per liter of gasoline exceeds $6 in 16 states and in the Federal District. The highest week averages are found in Piauí (R$6,495), Rio de Janeiro (R$6,492), Acre (R$6,483), Goiás (R$6,347), Distrito Federal (6.302), and Rio Grande do Sul (R6,302) Brazilian).

Some drivers can pay more than $7 to refuel in cities in three states. The maximum price for supplying one liter at a gas station in the city of Paje (RS), was found to be R$7199. As a result, there are stations in Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), selling gasoline for R$7,130, and in Barra Mansa (RJ), with fuel selling up to R$7,059.

Diesel and Ethanol

The most consumed fuel in Brazil, diesel oil canceled the loss recorded last week and also advanced 0.41% in the current fuel, averaging R$4,627 per liter.

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On the other hand, ethanol, a direct competitor to gasoline at pumps, rose 1% this week, also the fifth in a row, to R$4.611 per liter.

In plants, biofuels increased gains and progressed by 1.15% per week, taking into account the reference measured by Cepea/Esalq in São Paulo.

Work at STF

Fuel prices have been a sensitive topic amid rising inflation in the country. President Jair Bolsonaro Filed a lawsuit in the STF (Supreme Federal Court) Requiring the National Congress to enact, within 120 days, a law with a view to standardizing the rates that states apply in ICMS for products, part of the factors by which the government justifies price increases.

At the same time, Petrobras launched a campaign to clarify the price of gasoline, seeking to prove that it earned RRL 2 from the sale value of gasoline at the pumps and to highlight, in line with Bolsonaro’s vision, the weight of ICMS in the composition. of the final prices.

In addition to the refinery value and taxes, fuel prices in Brazil also take into account factors such as distribution and resale margins.