March 15, 2025

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The Brazilian Medical Association (ABM) opposes stopping the use of masks: ‘It is time’

The Brazilian Medical Association (ABM) opposes stopping the use of masks: ‘It is time’

Last Monday (11), the president of the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), Cesar Fernandez, declared that it was not yet time to put aside the face mask entirely, an item that has been used since 2020 as one of the main means of protection against COVID-19. On this occasion, the obstetrician stressed the need to educate and analyze each case separately.

Many places in Brazil have already joined in making it easier to use a mask. At first, this happened in outdoor environments, but over time, some countries even made Optional use even indoors.

In an interview with O Globo, the AMB chief said, “It’s a sexual issue, not a legal one. If I’m in an environment where I see we’re crowded, and if I can wear a mask, it’s better. For safety.” . For the doctor, there is no objection to a distance between people, taking into account the high percentage of people who have received a full vaccination. However, in busy scenarios, things change.

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masks against covid-19

Several places in Brazil have already abandoned mask use, even indoors (Photo: 2020photos/Envato)

According to the obstetrician, each of us should have a conscience check about mask use. “On the football field, for example, I think it would be important. Even though it’s open and you have to show proof of vaccination to get in, people are very close. Know who the person is. So, why don’t you wear a mask in this circumstance?”, Fernandez reflects.

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Last March, Vuecruz clarified that Risks of easing measures against COVID-19Rather, he warned that “the current context of the pandemic in the world requires attention.” The Foundation pointed out that although the epidemic was expected to turn into an endemic disease, the decision should be better analyzed.

During the interview, the head of the AMB still talked about the contrast of ideas with the Federal Board of Medicine, which showed support for covid kit: “We see clinicians positioning themselves in their favour, when the Covid-kit is not shown to be effective. The supposed efficacy of the kit may have made some sense in the early months of 2020, when there was no scientific knowledge.”

source: the world