March 14, 2025

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The British government offers free UK masters to Brazilian leaders

The British government offers free UK masters to Brazilian leaders

The British Government’s Seven Scholarship Program is open to applications for the 2022-23 school year. This initiative allows prospective leaders to study for one year at any British university, in any qualified masters program. In addition to comprehensive financial assistance covering all university, living and travel expenses, selected applicants have access to a wide range of educational, professional and cultural experiences. Scholarships are awarded to candidates who demonstrate commitment and ability to make a positive impact upon return to Brazil.

There is no age limit and the program is open to all courses and courses at leading UK universities in all parts of the world.

Sevening was created in 1983 and has brought more than 50,000 people from around the world to the UK. Brazil is one of the most populous countries in the United States: holders of more than 1900 Brazilian scholarships studied at about 110 British universities. In 2021, 53 Brazilians were selected for the scholarship. In total, the Northeast region has already sent 177 Brazilians to study in the United Kingdom. One of the obligations of the program in Brazil is to increase applications from different parts of the country, especially from the North, Northeast and Midwest and from different sociocultural contexts. For this reason, the program especially encourages applicants from blacks, LGBTQIA + and other social minorities.

London, Rio Grande do Nordale, a setting scholar, has been selected for the 2021-22 school year to pursue a Masters in Environmental and Sustainable Development at the University College of London. “I met Sevening during my degree in social communication, and since then, being a part of the project has become one of the main goals of my life. It seemed like a unique opportunity to me.I encourage everyone who dreams of transforming reality through knowledge and cooperation to apply to the project.I am very proud to be a native of the state and would like to see my fellow countrymen join the network of these global leaders.

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Peter Wilson, British Ambassador to Brazil, Is out The importance of professionals expressing leadership skills. During this period, we noted the importance of trusting professionals who can demonstrate leadership skills and help build bridges and innovative solutions. Sevening is a unique opportunity for people who want to become agents of positive impact in their communities. We are looking for ambitious leaders who, with a long-term vision, have solid plans for study and work. The UK is committed to tackling major global challenges and the Sevening is certainly part of that effort. We hope that those selected for the scholarship will have valuable experience of personal and professional advancement and that they will be able to return with a background that will allow Brazil to develop new solutions.

To register, go to Site. For utility tips, Sevening Brazil manager James Phillips explains how to stand out In this video.

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Candidatos bem-sucedidos do último ciclo do Programa têm compartilhado suas histórias por meio da hashtag #ChosenForChevening no Twitter e no Instagram. Você ainda pode acompanhar as redes do @ukinbrazil para saber mais sobre o programa, e a rede de ex-alunos através do Instagram, pelo @cheveningalumnibrazil.