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The Chamber’s working group will analyze the new legislation related to compulsory health insurance coverage – News

The Chamber’s working group will analyze the new legislation related to compulsory health insurance coverage – News

06/23/2022 – 11:28


MPs will discuss mandatory medical insurance coverage

The House of Representatives established a work group To analyze new legislation regarding mandatory treatment coverage by health plans. Since the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) ruled that operators are only obligated to comply with therapies listed by the National Supplemental Health Agency (ANS), various MPs have put forward proposals to reverse the effects of the decision.

The working group will be coordinated by the deputy Cesenia de Madurera (PSD-SP) The deputy mentioned it Hiran Goncalves (PP-RR). They, in total, 15 memberswhich has 90 days, extendable for an equal period, to complete the work.

Public hearings and meetings may be held with bodies and entities of organized civil society, as well as professionals in the field.
Health, jurists and authorities.

The decision to establish the group was announced as Chairman of the Chamber. Arthur Lyra (PP-AL), at the plenary session on Tuesday (21st). He indicated on the occasion that before Syrians voted for truth and justice, there was a meeting of deputies with representatives of the American Health Association and mothers of patients undergoing continuous treatment, who advocate the return of the model list. According to him, the idea is to strive for balance, paying maximum attention to the subject.

One of the participants in the deputy group Tulio Jadelha (Rede-PE) The decision of Syrians for Truth and Justice was classified as absurd. For him, the House of Representatives needs to pass legislation on the subject.

The ANS list is basic and does not cover, for example, treatments with recently approved medications, some types of oral chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and surgeries using robotic techniques. With the tax roll, plans are exempt from the obligation to pay for treatments like these.

See also  15 Illnesses That Qualify You For INSS Retirement You Didn't Know

Reporting – Louise Claudio Canuto
Editing – Rachel Leberlon