October 5, 2024

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

The European Union and the United Kingdom have decided to freeze the assets of Putin and the Russian foreign minister

The European Union and the United Kingdom have decided to freeze the assets of Putin and the Russian foreign minister

Politicians have been added to the list of victims of sanctions and bank accounts can not be accessed outside Russia.

Alexei Nikolsky / Sputnik / AFPVladimir Putin and other Russian leaders have bank accounts abroad

The European union It United Kingdom Announced on Friday the 25th that it had decided to allow the Vin leader to go directly Russia, Vladimir PutinAnd his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, due to the invasion of the country Ukraine. EU leaders politically endorsed the imposition of sanctions on Russia on Thursday, and on Friday agreed that European foreign ministers should include Putin and Lavrov in the list of victims, European diplomatic leader Joseph Borrell said at the end. Emergency meeting of principals. Borrell stressed that the standards applied to anyone else on the EU list were the same. “In other words, it’s about freezing assets. There will be a lot of work (…) to identify assets that need to be frozen, ”he explained. Although it is no longer part of the European Union, the United Kingdom has announced similar sanctions that could affect billionaires and Russian lawmakers (Duma) who have endorsed the invasion. Since Putin is unlikely to keep money outside Russia, the move could only be symbolic. However, the move could strike some of its key supporters within the country.

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