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The general in charge of Petrobras says he won’t change pricing policy

The general in charge of Petrobras says he won’t change pricing policy

“If dams are put on price, there will be a shortage of fuel,” says Joachim Silva y Luna.

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247 – General Joaquim Silva y Luna, who heads Petrobras, said in a statement: to interview For journalist Manuel Ventura, published on Globo, who will not change the pricing policy of Petrobras – one of the main causes of Brazilian inflation, which already exceeds double digits. “The amount of refining that Petrobras and other refineries do not provide to our market. About 30% of diesel and very little gasoline depend on imports. If this price is applied artificially, there will be a shortage in the market. This is a serious and dangerous thing to be aware of. The values ​​should allow the import of fuel.”

However, Silva e Luna has talked about creating a fund to support truck drivers. “There is an idea to create a cushion. That value may come from the taxes paid by Petrobras, which allow to create a cushion, a fund capable of homogenizing (prices). When there is a decrease or increase in fuel, it regulates this so that it does not pass directly to the population. And that Especially important for truck drivers, who conclude their contracts, and during the implementation of this contract a change occurs. ”

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