March 14, 2025

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The international case against Mariana will come up for hearing in a week – Jerois

The international case against Mariana will come up for hearing in a week – Jerois

Sludge from the break of the fund dam
The collapse of the Samarko’s Fundo Dam in Mariana destroyed areas from Minas Gerais to Espirido Santo (Photo: CBMMG)
The demands of the 200,000 riverine residents, quilompolas, tribes, municipalities, churches, businesses and affected Brazilians who lost their lives and property when the Fundo Dam in Mariana broke 6 years ago are being reconsidered. Justice United Kingdom’s appeal against the Anglo-Australian mining company BHP Billiton will begin next Monday (04/04) within a week, demanding 5 5 billion (R $ 31.5 billion) in damages.

BHP Billiton is headquartered in the UK because it controls a mining company called Samarco in association with Vale. Samarco operated the Fundo Dam, which failed in Mariana in 2015, killing 19 people and scattering tails at sea in the Espirido Santo on the Rio Dos Basin. Victims and their attorneys, belonging to the PGMBM office, believe that the Brazilian justice system did not bring adequate fair compensation or opportunities for compensation. The BHP is defending itself, claiming that due to individual and collective action in Brazil, the process is likely to be replicated, and that it will fund Fundão Renova, which will be created and maintained by three mining companies to repair the disaster. Actions.

The ruling is an appeal to the High Court in London to determine the jurisdiction, whether Mariana’s separation case will be heard in a UK court. On March 23, 2021, the same appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeal. However, in a new judgment issued in July 2021, the Court of Appeal allowed victims to appeal against a judgment denying them jurisdiction under a rare law exploited by the PGMBM.

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The first hearing took place between 22 and 31 July 2020 at the Center for Civil Justice in Manchester, England, where Judge Sir Mark Turner ruled on 9 November 2020 that the claim for damages was invalid.

The Court of Appeal’s judgment on the appeal is expected to be heard between April 4 and 8 and a verdict is expected a few weeks later. In court, the case was tried differently than in Brazil. There are two types of lawyers in BHP Billiton and PGMBM, the victims’ office. Advocates who help with the details of the case and the laws and procedures and who make oral arguments before the judge.

In the first trials, due to the infection of the new corona virus (Sars-CoV-2), the courts had strict control over the public, which at this time was very flexible with the vaccination and control of COVID-19. Access to the UK was restricted and foreigners had to be isolated for up to 15 days. With this, the presence of the victims and the greater public outcry among the British is expected to occur.

Victims of the Pento Rodriguez Tailing mudslide that descended from the fund dam break pray for justice
Victims pray for the dead in the UK 6 years after their separation and hope for justice (Photo: Rodrigo Clemente / EM / DAPress)

PGMBM’s largest customer is the municipality of Mariana, with a population of 61,830. By 2020, the municipal administration estimates that PRL will cost more than $ 1.2 billion to compensate for the disaster caused by the collapse of the Fundo Dam. These include compensation for losses incurred in collections, delays caused by emptying boxes and additional costs that are a tragedy that encompasses everything from the enrichment of the health system to emergency assistance and the opening of blocked roads.

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Other municipalities are also seeking compensation for expenses and expenses incurred by 2,630 citizens, such as Rio Dose, represented by PGMBM. Among the losses, in particular, was the shutdown of the Risoleta Neves hydropower plant, which did not generate electricity as it reached the Condonga Dam, which directly affects 22% of the municipality’s revenue.

Justice abroad

Victims Judiciary in the United Kingdom

November 5, 2015

ண்ட The Fundo Dam, operated by the mining company Samarco in Mariana, breaks and releases 40 million cubic meters of iron ore. An estimated 700,000 people have been affected in the Rio Dose Basin. Nineteen people died after the wreckage, and the body of one of the victims has not yet been recovered.

September 21, 2018

G SPG Law, an English law firm, has announced that PGMBM will now file a lawsuit in UK court against BHP Billiton SPL, the parent company of PGMBM, at the risk of damaging damages three years after the disaster. Vail. At the time it was estimated at 5 billion.

October 3, 2018

ஒப்பந்த Agreement signed between the Ministry of Public Works, Samarco and its parent companies (excluding BHP, Vale), provided the interference with the statutory law

November 2, 2018

P PGMBM Office files lawsuits against BHP Billiton SPL in UK courts

November 16, 2018

The Renova Foundation is pushing municipalities and affected people to stay away from international action as a condition of receiving agreed compensation. Lawyers for the International Office are reacting

March 13, 2020

PGMBM provides BHP with a wide range of documents arguing that clients’ intent to sue in UK courts is justified. There are legal opinions and testimonies of victims and Brazilian lawyers who worked in Brazil on behalf of the victims and victims of the Fundo dam break.

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July 22 to 31, 2020

Lawyers for the victims and the BHP take the Billton International case to the Center for Civil Justice in Manchester, where Judge Sir Mark Turner decides whether damages can be prosecuted by UK courts.

November 9, 2020

Judge Sir Mark Turner argues that the claim for damages against victims against the Anglo-Australian company BMP Billiton is false. The victims’ attorneys appealed

March 23, 2021

நீதிமன்றம் The Court of Appeal in London dismissed the appeal and dismissed the case. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Judicial recovery of Renova and Samarko

May 04, 2021

நீதிபதி The judge of the Court of Appeal in London considers himself suspicious and transfers the petition to the vice president of the company that reopens the analysis.

July 27, 2021

அரச Court of Appeal of the State Court in London reopens the international process after deciding that the victims’ appeal should be re-investigated

October 14, 2021

Victims ‘attorneys add new evidence and update victims’ status for trial in London Court of Appeal