March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

The lira targets projects that reduce electricity bills to reduce inflation

The lira targets projects that reduce electricity bills to reduce inflation

president ParliamentArthur Lyra (PP-AL) wants Congress to vote on projects that lower fuel prices, as well energy electrical. To that end, the president highlighted some of the proposals that should be voted on this week to curb inflation.

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Lira said the increases have greatly affected the lives of Brazilian families, especially those most in need. And that in some regions, the rate of adjustment authorized by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) was 34%.

Curb Inflation

Therefore, Lyra stressed that some of the proposals should be voted on this week as they are considered urgent to curb inflation.

Among them is the supplementary bill 62/15. The text deals with the prohibition of ICMS charging yellow and red electricity tariff flags.

Other proposals may be voted on in the coming days, such as PL 3677/21, which defines rules for the formation of fuel prices, making information more accessible. “Today it is closed, no Brazilian has access. Nor the regulatory bodies,” Lira criticized.

The chamber’s president also advocates the privatization of Petrobras. From Lira’s point of view, the state-owned company is only concerned with the distribution of profits and is not responsible for the rise in fuel prices.

Since it is an election year, privatization is not possible now in 2022. For this reason, Lira’s proposal is for the government to sell shares and stop being the largest shareholder.

Arthur Lyra also took a stand against the Governors in connection with Supplementary Bill 18/22. The text wants to make fuel and energy essential services, limiting the collection of ICMS. “There will be no loss of revenue from the states,” Lyra said.

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In the face of all these statements, Arthur Lira also said that in this way the Chamber can fulfill its role, which is to try to reduce the inflation that affects the Brazilian population.