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The rare “Loa Azul”, which inspired the songs, is set to debut on Saturday

The rare “Loa Azul”, which inspired the songs, is set to debut on Saturday

This weekend, you’ll have the chance to see the rare blue moon before it becomes “just a memory” until 2024.

The blue moon is the third full moon in a season with four full moons instead of the usual three, according to Sky & Telescope magazine. This phenomenon has inspired music, art and language – like hit songs”When the blue moon turns to gold againand “Blue Moon”, recorded by many artists, including Elvis Presley.

NASA reported the first recorded use of the term “blue moon” in English in 1528, while Sky & Telescope traced the origin of the term in the Maine Farmers Almanac published in the 1930s.

“The introduction of Lua Azul means that the traditional names of Full Moon, such as Lua do Lobo and Lua da Colheita, have stayed (in sync) with their season,” Sky & Telescope Observing Editor Diana Hannekainen said in a press release.

That was before amateur astronomer and Sky & Telescope contributor Hugh Pruitt misunderstood the definition in 1946 and finally helped popularize the popular definition of a Blue Moon: the second full moon in a month, the most recent occurring on Halloween 2020, according to Sky & Telescope.

Residents of the Americas will be able to see the near-full moon Saturday night, before the true blue moon reaches its highest point in the sky early Sunday morning at 1:04 a.m. EDT, according to NASA.

The moon will reach its highest illumination at 8:02 a.m. EDT on Sunday (22), and will appear nearly full after dark that day.

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A full blue moon, which occurs once every 2.7 years on average, won’t actually look blue — it happens very rarely, when “volcanic eruptions or wildfires send a lot of smoke and fine dust into the atmosphere,” according to Sky & Telescope.

This moon has many different names. Maine Farmers’ Almanac first published Native American terms for full moons in the 1930s, according to NASA — including the Algonquin “Sturgeon Moon,” named after large fish that were easily captured in the Great Lakes and other springs during this time , and “Green Corn Moon”.

The name of the August full moon varies between cultures. The Anishnaabe people call it the “raspberry moon,” while the Cherokee people call it the “dry moon.” For the Comanche, the August full moon is the “summer moon”. The residents of the creek know him as the “Great Harvest” moon. The Hopi people call it the “moon of joy”.

Throughout 2021, you may be able to catch these phenomena from space and the sky, depending on your location.

The full moon and their names according to ancient farmer calendar::

September 20: Harvest Moon

October 20: Hunter’s Moon

November 19: Beaver Moon

December 18: Cold Moon

Meteor showers, according to the 2021 Meteor Shower Guide from EarthSky:

October 8: Draconids

October 21: Orionidas

4-5 November: South of Torres

November 11-12: North of Torres

November 17: Leonidas

December 13-14: Geminid

December 22: Ursids

according to ancient farmer calendar::

November 19: A partial lunar eclipse, seen by people in North America and Hawaii between 1:00 a.m. ET and 7:06 a.m. ET.

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December 4: A total eclipse visible to people in the Falkland Islands, South Africa, Antarctica and southeast Australia.

Skywatchers will have multiple opportunities to locate the planets during designated mornings and nights during the remainder of 2021, according to the Planetary Guide Farmer’s Almanac calendar.

Most of them – except for Neptune – can be seen with the naked eye, but binoculars or a telescope will provide the best view.

Mercury will appear as the brightest star in the morning sky from October 18 to November 1. It will shine in the night sky from August 31 to September 21 and from November 29 to December 31.

Venus, our closest neighbor in the Solar System, will appear in the western sky at dusk on the nights until December 31st. It is the second brightest object in our sky after the moon.

Mars shows its reddish appearance in the morning sky between November 24 and December 31, and will be visible in the night sky until August 22.

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is the third brightest object in our sky. Look for them on the nights of August 20 to December 31 – but they’ll be lighter until September 2.

Saturn’s rings can only be seen through a telescope, but the planet itself can still be seen with the naked eye at night until December 31.

Binoculars or telescopes will help you detect the green glow of Uranus in the mornings through November 3 and in the evenings of November 4 through December 31. It will be clearest between August 28 and December 31.

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Our farthest neighbor in the Solar System, Neptune, will be visible through the telescope in the mornings until September 13 and during the nights of September 14 through December 31. It will be at its maximum brightness until November 8th.

(Translated text. I read here The original is in English.)