March 14, 2025

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The sky is not the limit |  Earendel, solar storm, near-Earth asteroid e +

The sky is not the limit | Earendel, solar storm, near-Earth asteroid e +

The discovery of the star Earendel, the most distant star ever seen by mankind, excited not only the scientific community but also social networks. The NASA The image obtained by the Hubble telescope topped the news. In fact, Earendel’s very name contributed to the star’s success, and we’ll explain why below.

Our upper atmosphere was also turbulent; Not by scientific discoveries, but by the arrival of powerful solar storms. Check out the top stories of the week in our weekly roundup!

The star Earendel is shown by an arrow (Image: Reproduction / NASA, ESA, B. Welch (JHU), D. Coe (STScI), A. Pagan (STScI)

The most distant star that astronomers have observed so far is called Earendel, or WHL0137-LS, if you prefer. It’s 12.9 billion light-years away, and the Hubble telescope was only able to identify it as a single star within its galaxy thanks to a gravitational lens.

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If you’re a fan of Tolkien’s work and find the name Earndel familiar, no wonder: the name means “morning star” in Old English, but Inspired by the character of Erendilhalf dwarf appears in Silmarlion And in a song Lord of the rings.

Solar storms began hitting Earth on Thursday (31) and are expected to continue to hit the planet this weekend. Although one of them is classified as โ€œstrong,โ€ none of them will have significant impacts on electrical grid and satellite infrastructure.

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These events are the result of about 20 eruptions emanating from the Sun, most of them from a single sun spot. In total, the astronomers recorded three visible clusters of Earth-facing spots. Geomagnetic storms can occur through April 3rd, providing some auroras.

Asteroid 2007 FF1 was recorded on March 24, at a distance of about 11.6 million kilometers (Image: clone/virtual telescope)

Asteroid 2007 FF1 approached its closest point to Earth on Friday (1), at 18:35, without any danger of colliding with our planet. The distance was 7.4 million kilometers, or about 19 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

This space rock has a diameter of between 110 and 260 meters and is part of the Apollo group of asteroids (a class with close orbits to Earth). It is considered a potential hazard because it is located within 7.5 million km of Earth and has a brightness of more than 100 meters in diameter, but there is no chance of a collision this century.

Scientists still don’t know what happens to information from particles falling into a black hole (Image: clone/Gr@v – Gravitation @Aveiro University)

A new study suggests a brilliant idea, to say the least: information from particles in the universe may be the fifth state of matter. This means that matter can appear in solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma and informational states. For this, the information must have a mass, which has not yet been proven.

Every particle in the universe stores a set of information that tells its stories over billions of years. Among this information are rotation and mass, neither of which has ever been lost. If information has mass and is a state of matter, then the dark matter in the universe may be made up of information.

Similarities between Venus-Earth intrigue scientists (Image: cloning/ESA)

A NASA researcher has come up with an unusual idea: wrap Venus in some kind of giant shell to make its atmosphere fit for life. The idea is to turn the planet into a place where astronauts can set foot and explore it without endangering their lives. To accomplish this feat, robotic probes would absorb Venus’ toxic atmosphere and store oxygen for future colonists.

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The captured carbon will be used to build a giant T-shaped tile to assemble the giant shell. The bad news is that it would take 72 trillion pieces of these tiles to cover the entire planet, and it would take at least 200 years for Venus’s atmosphere to start shifting. Despite the difficulties, some scholars have already seen the proposal as something viable.

The study showed that Mercury has a ring of electric current that causes geomagnetic storms.

New studies show that Mercury has geomagnetic storms similar to Earth. The planet has a loop of electric current, made up of a field of electrically charged particles that flow down the side of the planet. When this current is disturbed by particles from the solar wind, a geomagnetic storm forms.

Unfortunately for residents of the planet’s past or future, Mercury’s magnetic field is weak and geomagnetic storms do not create visible auroras. There, the only way to observe this phenomenon would be with X-ray and gamma ray machines.

Sound waves on the Sun are spinning 3 times faster than previously thought (Image: Reproduction/NYUAD)

A type of high-frequency sound wave forms a pattern of vortex vortices on the surface of the Sun. The waves are retrograde, which means they move against the rotation of the sun, and are three times faster than theory predicted. There are three known mechanisms that could explain the effect (magnetism, gravity or convection), but none of them shed light on the observed speed.

Scientists still don’t know why these waves are so fast, but they are excited about the possibility of new discoveries about our sun. It is that these phenomena can provide a lot of information about the interior of the star, which cannot be directly observed.

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A sandstorm recorded on February 10 hides objects on Earth (Photo: Reproduction / China National Space Administration / Release via Xinhua)

The Chinese mission probe Tianwen-1 has recorded, in high resolution, severe dust storms on Mars. “Selfies” of the Zhurong rover reveal a layer of dust accumulating on the device, and that’s not good news: Excess dust can affect the power supply.

Fortunately, Chinese engineers designed the panels in a way that could compensate for the low efficiency in these cases.

On its first mission in 2022, Blue Origin flew six tourists into suborbital space in the New Shepard spacecraft. The launch took place on Thursday (31) at 10:59 am and the class reached about 107 km. The capsule was released after about three minutes and the tourists were able to untie their belts to enjoy the feeling of weightlessness on board.

The capsule began returning to Earth at 11:02 AM, slowed down with the help of a parachute, and landed at 11:09 AM.

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