March 10, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

The United States has condemned the Russian military’s hostage-taking in Chernobyl

The United States has condemned the Russian military’s hostage-taking in Chernobyl

The White House says maintenance services that prevent the spread of radiation could be affected

Sergei Subinsky / AFPChernobyl sarcophagus and other structures require constant maintenance to prevent radiation leakage

You To us This Thursday, 24, declared themselves “angry” with “credible information” Russia Abducted workers at a former nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Occupied by Moscow forces. “It’s very dangerous to end the regular civil service that is needed to maintain and protect these illegal and dangerous hostage access facilities,” White House spokeswoman Zhen Zhag told a news conference. According to Psaki, the United States condemns the situation and demands the release of these workers from the worst nuclear accident in 1986.

“After the bloody war, we lost control of Chernobyl,” said an aide to the president. Ukraine, Mikhail Podoliak, quoted by “UNIAN”. According to Podoliak, the authorities have no information about the “status of the facilities at the former Chernobyl nuclear power plant, sarcobegas and access dump.” “After this completely irrational attack by the Russians in this direction, we can not guarantee that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will be safe,” he stressed. “This is one of the biggest threats facing Europe at the moment.”

On Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky warned that Russia’s invasion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ‘exclusion zone was a “declaration of war against all Europe.” Anton Kuverashenko, an adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, warned that if the radioactive debris stored at Chernobyl were damaged, “nuclear dust could spread across Ukraine, Belarus and the rest of the EU.”

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* With information from EFE