March 14, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

They blame David Castillo for the murder of Honduran Bertha Cicero

They blame David Castillo for the murder of Honduran Bertha Cicero

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Chamber I of the Penal Court, unanimously announced this morning Guilty a Roberto David Castillo Magia As co-author of the murder of a famous environmental activist Bertha Cosserus, Recorded fact On March 2, 2016 La Esperanza, in Indipoos.

After reading the verdict, the judiciary said it would hold an inquiry into the customization of the sentence on August 3 this year.

In response to the sentence, Yuri Mora, A spokesman for the Ministry of Public Works said, “The case is not closed and prosecutors will continue to work to find out if there are any intelligent teachers.

The Court of Appeals held that the extraction and stabbing of information on the cell phones of the accused and others involved was sufficiently explicit, and that the ancestral part of the Desa, Lenka tribe of the Qualcor River was part of a plan to ensure that Castillo ordered the death of Majesty Caesar.

“After more than two months of oral and public hearing and a hundred pieces of evidence, the parties were summoned at 9:00 a.m. to read the verdict, you know today Roberto David Castillo He has been proven guilty or innocent, “he said Lucia Willers, Spokesperson Judged Capitals.

On your side, Dinora Majia, Castillo’s mother, confidently expressed in the morning, “We are positive, we believe in God that we will win. No party can prove anything against my son David Castillo, he is innocent, therefore, today we believe in God and deliverance will be granted”.

Bertha Cosserus She was killed while she was sleeping at home Department of Indigo in La Esperanza, West Honduras. At the time, two men broke down the front door of her house, one of whom fired six shots, killing her and injuring her guest, Mexican environmental activist Gustavo Castro.

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Related: Honduran Bertha Koserus who gave his life to protect the environment

Relatives of the environmental activist, who was the co-ordinator of the Civic Council (COPIN) of Honduras’ most popular and indigenous organizations, argue that Berta was killed for protesting against a hydroelectric project run by Tesorolos Energeticos (DESA).

Castillo “participated in the planning, coordination, confirmation and verification of Berta Caesar’s assassination,” the C குழுceres family’s prosecution said in a recent statement, so he had no doubt the verdict was guilty.

One of the judges of the Penal Court, according to Roberto David Castillo’s defense, “had intelligent meetings with a human rights organization that supported the accused, and the judiciary did not issue a statement on the matter.”

“We have learned that one of the judges who will make the tribunal is the wife of a military man, that is, a comrade in arms now accused Castillo, a second lieutenant.

Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Bertha Cicero’s perpetrators are being prosecuted and prosecuted for violating the structural penalties for the bloodshed in Honduran society.

Damn line

In December 2019, a Honduran court sentenced him Edilson Dwarte, Henry Javier Hernandez, Elvin Repolo and Oscar Torres Cரceres was sentenced to 34 years in prison for the murder and 16 others charged with attempted murder of Mexican Gustavo Castro. Three more were sentenced to 30 years in prison as co-offenders of the crime.

All three were sentenced to 30 years in prison as co-offenders of the crime Douglas Pustillo, Mariano Diaz Chavez and Sergio Rodriguez, The last executive of Desarollo Energetico (Desa), has always denied allegations against his staff of the murder of Cicero, who was sleeping at home when he was attacked.

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All of the convicts were captured by the Technical Criminal Investigation Agency (Attic) between May 2016 and February 2017 in Operation Jaguar Framework. A Honduran panel was formed with the support of two US advisers to investigate the murder, which, as they were, was a high-profile case in the eyes of the world.

The family and environmental groups of the environmental activist argued that the people who ordered the killing should never face justice for the environmental activist’s crime.


In 2015, Koserus won the Goldman Environmental Award for Community Environment Leaders. Meanwhile, Desa received a concession in 2009 to build the Aqua Sarka Hydroelectric Dam in western Honduras.

The Lenka community, which is to be consulted by law, opposed the project from the outset, on the grounds that the hydropower plant would endanger the water resources and livelihoods of the community, a struggle waged by the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations founded by the Honduran people (Cobin).

At the time of his assassination, Kosares was on precautionary measures by the US Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) amid repeated threats of intimidation.

At the time, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) stressed the importance of sentencing to clarify the facts surrounding the murder of Bertha Cicero.