March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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They forgot SUS in the final CPI report

They forgot SUS in the final CPI report

Reading the final CPI report means examining a list of intent that is limited to the time and quality of evidence presented, and this reflects the decisions made by the majority of senators who played cards during the investigation.

When the senator Renan Caleros He announced his surrender to “indisputable technical arguments” after meeting at the senator’s residence Jerissati BadgerThe night before the report was read, the compromise that had been reached required another understanding.

Covid’s CPI reporter Renan Caleros read the final report on Wednesday, 20

Like aggregate changes, which produced mitigating factors for Jair Bolsonaro NS silas fascia, what appears in the light, what will be called the victory of some and the defeat of others, is linked to “who is who”, with particular affirmations and conflicting interests.

In a famous speech at the United Nations, Nikita Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Union through part of the Cold War, said: “What is ours, what is yours is negotiable.” Concealment of intentions was, for Richelieu, the true knowledge of kings, and for Machiavelli, the secret of success in politics.

We may never know the true purpose of a portion of what is included, what has been left out and what will change until next week’s vote.

Few clues emerge from the sessions broadcast by CPI, in which there are defendants who have not been heard, reported topics that did not capture the public’s attention, and even inverted value judgments: the report sometimes treats authorities and institutions as collaborators that, upon closer look, were visibly neglected.

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The Pandemic CPI, or Covid as it has become known, carries the disease or public health phenomenon in its name. It was originally proposed with the goal of “knowing about actions and omissions by the federal government,” but an honest assessment of the health system’s failure during a health crisis would also be necessary.

The report’s rhetoric regarding the accountability of Bolsonaro and other agents does not hide the weakness of parts of the text. The dysfunction of the SUS, the omission of the private sector and the neglect of health institutions that have a closely related share in producing suffering, infections and deaths have passed or been left on the sidelines.

In the health fair, the report is explicit in referring to guilt PazuloAnd Cheap, which is part of the second level of the Ministry and its accomplices, including people from prevent senior e do Federal Board of Medicine.

But two former Bolsonaro health ministers, as well as Anvisa and ANS chiefs, all CPI followers and silent in many circumstances, are portrayed in the report almost as public health champions.

Separating the verbs into chapters and choosing the villains for each, ends up being blurry. The facts are not interconnected and political, biological and social cannot be distinguished.

A citizen who was working as a food delivery boy, and who did not receive emergency aid in time, contracted the COVID-19 virus.

Another, a young adult with no comorbidities, living in precarious housing, was unable to take the test and also fell ill and fell ill.

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Both used the “Covid kit”, developed the acute form of the disease, and remained in the pre-hospital units due to the lack of hospitalization places, with the results being fatal.

In their families, other people were infected and only received the first dose of the vaccine in the second half of 2021.

Who was deleted and who was at fault?

Since the beginning of the first cases in Brazil, there have been failures to control passenger entry to ports and airports, lockdowns have been lifted, experimental background and hospital care have become more eloquent, and deadly hands have signed official documents denying the possibility of this happening. Use of special intensive care beds for SUS patients.

Exiting an arrogant pandemic, SUS is an oasis of solidarity amid campaigns by employers who have called for the economy to return in the middle of a peak in infections and deaths. Brazil could not stop, but allowed the killing.

But it must be recognized that the health system needs more than just pride to carry out its mission to improve the health conditions of the population.

SUS did not have the ability to erect barriers to transition and patient care with speed and quality. In the event of another health emergency, the SUS remains extremely vulnerable.

At the start of the CPI, two fans stood out: “Long live SUS,” to strengthen public order, and “Away, Bolsonaro,” for accountability.

Charging members of the federal government with crimes is likely to have political and judicial consequences.

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On the other hand, the SUS was forgotten in the final report in the incomplete investigations and the lack of proposed legislative projects.