March 18, 2025

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Tonico pays for sins and burns with fire from In Times of the Emperor;  Find out what it would be like to be · TV news

Tonico pays for sins and burns with fire from In Times of the Emperor; Find out what it would be like to be · TV news

Tonico (Alexandre Nero) will pay for his sins when he finds himself caught in the middle of a fire In the time of the emperor. The deputy will turn into a grill only because Samuel (Michelle Gomez) will play the hero and invade the camp of Solano Lopez (Roberto Berndelli) to save it from the flames at the 6 AM soap opera on Globo.

The villain will fail miserably By kidnapping Pedro (Selton Millau) to be handed over to General Paraguay In soap operas by Alessandro Marson and Teresa Falcao. The king will be able to escape, and one of the kidnappers will still be taken for questioning by Caxias (Jackson Antunes).

tonic He wouldn’t think twice about getting rid of followers, but he still had to provide an account for Solano Lopez. Angry and about to lose the war, the dictator will say he no longer needs him and will lock him in a dungeon.

The character of Roberto BerndelliHe will release Nino (Rafael Cascuccio) to notify Pedro that the congressman is in his power. Backstage that will be shown the next day 6.

The emperor will then order the Brazilian troops to march on the Paraguayan army to liberate not only the bad character, but also the city of Uruguay (RS).

Actor Michel Gomez appeared as Samuel in a scene from In the Times of the Emperor

Samuel (Michelle Gomez) in the TV series Six Hours

Surrounded, Solano will tie up Tonico and set fire to captivity before escaping with his tail between his legs. Samuel He will put the differences aside and face the fire to save his rival, who will only thank him when bound by Augusto (Gil Coelho).

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He’ll say “Thanks, look, for saving me.” Playing the opponent played by Alexander Nero, against their will. “I wouldn’t let you die like this,” fiancée will reply pilar (Gabriela Medvedovsky).

In the time of the emperor Almost 40 years after the events of new world (2017). In addition to spoilers, the the news Also posted daily TV series summaries at six o’clock.

Learn all about the upcoming seasons of the series with the Noveleiros podcast

Listen to “#82 – The New Angel Boils in the Secret of Truth 2!” on Screaker.

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