March 15, 2025

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TV Globo Farewell Program by Tiago Leifert

TV Globo Farewell Program by Tiago Leifert

Thiago Levert was honored by coaches and broadcasters in the final of the “brazilian soundTonight is the broadcaster who left the current version of the program in the blind testing phase.

In a video replaying key moments in the journalist’s career, who debuted on TV Globo’s sports editorial board, former Leifert co-workers left their testimonies praising the former colleague, who announced the termination of his contract with the network in September, after 15 years.

“He was born for this, it’s unbelievable,” Isa said of Levert’s talent. “Tiago is different, it fills in the blanks,” Claudia Leit praised.

“Tiago is a teacher, he is a ready communications man, a complete man,” Yvette Sangalo identified. “Tiago Levert, for us, is Titi. How he challenges himself, how he leaves the arena…”, explained Carlinhos-Brown.

The technicians also gathered to pay tribute to the moments when the previous presenter was affected by the performance of the participants and the support of the families of the candidates.

The singer said, “Everyone who has the honor to live with you on records gives a gift.” country side Daniel. “For all these 10 years, he’s often looking at you and raising your thumb was the thing I was looking forward to the most, because I knew we were going to reach the audience,” added Lolo Santos.

Presenter Andre Marquez also left his declaration of love for his former colleague, but, unlike the technicians, he extended his speech to the live broadcast.

“Tiago, we met there again, we did É De Casa, and I always said myself, and I said you’re the man. Replacing you is a great honor, besides the wonderful man you are, not only for me but for everyone who truly knows you.” And he knows who you are,” he said before asking Leverett a round of applause.

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In recent days, the journalist found himself Involved in an argument with Ícaro Silva. After the representative determinesBBBLeifert replied “as average entertainment”, even declaring that reality Pay the salary of the artist. The tone of the response sparked controversy and divided opinions.

Tonight, the presenter, who lives in São Paulo, made it clear that he intends to be in the final of “The Voice”, But he could not travel to Rio de Janeiro for personal reasons.