March 9, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Unconstrained Regional Hospital Monarchs Performs First Interventional Cardiac Surgery – Health Sector

Unconstrained Regional Hospital Monarchs Performs First Interventional Cardiac Surgery – Health Sector

NS Unimed Missions Regional Hospital, in Santo Angelo (RS), Done The first interventional cardiac surgery, a type of minimally invasive surgery. However, the The hospital has become the only private institution in the region capable of offering this surgical specialty of cardiology. The operation was performed in late October to plant a Transcatheter aortic valve (TAVI), In an 88-year-old patient who had Severe aortic stenosis two years ago.

“Interventional cardiac surgery is done in an operation similar to catheterization, with the catheter inserted through the femoral artery in the groin area,” explains Interventional Cardiologist Marcio Jose Sequeira, who led the surgery. According to him, until 2000, the patient’s condition required open surgery. But with the development and spread of interventional technology and the introduction of prosthetics by the pharmaceutical industry getting better and better, the complication rate for this type of procedure decreases. “With this, we broadened the indication of patients who could benefit from this type of surgery, reducing the need for recovery time and faster recovery,” he explains.

In addition to Siqueira, Unimed Missões physicians were also part of the surgical team: Daniel Augusto Schroder, cardiac surgeon; Lucas Monarito Bajersky, MD, a cardiologist who specializes in echocardiography; and Barbara Cavalero, an anesthesiologist. As well as the doctor at the Institute of Cardiology in Porto Alegre, Ruggiero Sarmiento Light, an interventional cardiologist. “We also have physiotherapists and nurses involved in the preparation and monitoring necessary for the safety and comfort of patients,” Siqueira says.

The organization of this team of specialists at Unimed Missões Regional Hospital to perform interventional cardiac surgery is very important for Santo Angelo and the other 27 municipalities in the surrounding area, because patients who need this procedure must be referred in advance to the cities Porto Alegre or Paso Fundo. In the case of public order, the closest alternative is the city of Ijuí, which only began offering this type of surgery shortly before Unimed Missões Regional Hospital.

Hospital Consolidated Regional Missions as a reference in regional cardiology

In addition, the training of the medical team for interventional cardiac surgery is another important step in standardizing non-resident regional hospitals as a reference in cardiology in the region. Last year, the cooperative society’s doctors invested about half a million riyals to equip the operating room, in addition to forming a medical and care team specializing in highly complex heart surgeries. On that occasion, Daniel Schroeder led the first procedure, in Santo Angelo, for mitral valve replacement in a 57-year-old chronic renal patient with endocarditis. It was an open chest surgery with the help of cardiopulmonary bypass.

Head of Unimed Missões / RS, Roberto Valandro, informs that the Misses Regional Hospital has hemodynamics and cardiac surgery services and that investing in these areas of medicine is the cooperative’s strategic focus. “Working on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease is important to society, as it is the leading cause of death in Brazil,” he says.

Unimed Missions / RS

Founded in 1972, the cooperative Unimed Missions / RS It provides health care to 27 municipalities in the Missões region, with headquarters located in Santo Ângelo and regional offices in São Borja and São Luiz Gonzaga. Committed to achieving its goal of caring for people’s health, Unimed Missões / RS constantly strives to adapt to people’s needs, creating alternatives so that they do not have to leave the region to access humane, safe and qualified services.

Today, the cooperative is divided into three companies: Health Solutions, Hospital Unlimited Regional Missions, and Occupational Health. On its staff, 288 physician collaborators, 640 employees, and 122 certified services.

Unimed Missions Regional Hospital

Founded in 2012, Unimed Missões Regional Hospital is a reference for the regions of Missões and northwestern Rio Grande do Sul, offering the most diverse specialties and highly complex services.

It includes in its structure the services of laboratory, diagnostic imaging (X-ray, CT, ultrasound, mammography, MRI), emergency room, emergency SOS, emergency, adult intensive care unit, high cardiac complexity (hemodynamics, open surgery, interventional surgery) and a surgical suite.

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