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Unimed Longevity Congress discusses health for over 60 audiences

Unimed Longevity Congress discusses health for over 60 audiences

a Unimed Insurance it’s at National Unimed Center On October 1st and 2nd, the Unimed Longevity Conference, part of the Longevity Expo + Fórum 2021 programme, will be broadcast live at Official platforms Event (Youtube and Facebook). In all, there will be four panel discussions on topics important to an audience over 60 years old, which will bring discussions on fake news, health, digital inclusion and longevity without taboos. Actor and director, Odilon Wagner, will lead the discussions, in two days of programming. Guest representatives, experts and opinion makers include: Ana Fontes, Bruna Lombardi, Monga Quinn, Antonio Pitanga, Regina Lenz, Ronaldo Lemos, Gustavo Caetano, Flavio Morgado and Marcia Monteiro.

“Although the life expectancy of Brazilians has been reduced by 1.8 years due to the pandemic, according to a Harvard study, the public over 60 still has an important impact on the economy. In this sense, it is critical to guide longevity, Taking a closer look at healthcare and asset protection,” said Seguros Unimed President, Helton Freitas. According to him, the event is synergistic with the purpose of the Unimed brand, which provides healthcare and dental care, as well as insurance solutions (life, pension, property, residential and civil liability) to Brazilians.

As for Luiz Paulo Tostis Coimbra, President of Central Nacional Unimed, the event represents collaborative efforts in carrying out important actions for all social groups. “Talking about seniors treats life as it is. We need to motivate society to be close to seniors and to view longevity as a journey that can and should be filled with quality of life. We, from Central Nacional Unimed, believe that a healthy body is linked to emotional life, In addition to the relationships we have with the environment and current issues. Longevity Expo + Fórum will present an interdisciplinary approach, with important stories and experiences on the agenda,” says the President.

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The Longevity Expo + Fórum and the Longevity Conference open on October 1, International Day of Older Persons, at a gala event at Palácio dos Bandeirantes in São Paulo, bringing together state authorities and business leaders.

To register and follow the entire schedule, access Location official event.