March 14, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

United Kingdom calls on France to withdraw from ‘Fishermen’s War’ within 48 hours and supports Paris talks

London – The British government has given France 48 hours Controversy over operation of fishing vessels The English Channel, which separates the two countries, is at the center of a conflict that will lead to an open war between the second and third largest economies on the European continent. In response, French President Emmanuel Macron backed the talks and adjourned until Thursday.

Although the question of where fishing vessels operate on both sides of the canal has historical roots and has dragged on for decades, the problem gained momentum after the UK’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) in 2016. .

The French complain of British delays in licensing the country’s vessels to fish within British waters, especially near the Anglo-Norman Islands, which are closer to France than to the UK – which Paris considers under the terms. Brexit agreement.

London says such licenses can only be issued to vessels that prove they have already fished in these territories as a way to avoid issuing new permits.

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In recent weeks, France has raised the tone of the speech, threatening to impose increased sanctions on British goods and the imposition of practical measures such as the veto of UK vessels on some of its ports. Last Thursday, French authorities seized a British fishing vessel near the port of Le Havre for refusing to allow it.

This act was considered “unequal” by London.

“The French have made threats for no reason, including the Channel Islands and our fishing industry, and they must either set aside those threats or use the terms of our trade agreement with the EU,” the trade minister told Sky. News. Foreign, Liz Truss. – If someone misbehaves in a trade agreement, you can take action against them and seek compensation. That is what we will do if the French do not back down.

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“The issue must be resolved within the next 48 hours,” Truss added, adding that if the deadline was ignored by France, there would be “strong contingency plans” in London and the country would “retaliate equally.” ”.

A few hours after the interview, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would postpone any retaliation against the British. The first bans were scheduled to come into effect later this Monday night, but now, according to Paris, they should not be used before Thursday.

– From today (Monday) afternoon, the talks resumed on the basis of the ideas I had put forward to the Prime Minister. [Boris] Johnson. Talks should continue – Macron told a news conference during a United Nations conference on climate change and COP-26 in Glasgow. – Let’s see where we are tomorrow [terça-feira] At the end of the day, if things really changed.

Speaking to Reuters, the British government applauded the French decision to postpone revenge and defended the course of the conversation.

– We welcome France ‘s recognition of the need for dialogue to resolve issues in the relationship between the UK and the EU. Lord [David] Snow [ministro do Brexit] Clement accepted Peon’s invitation [ministro francês para Assuntos Europeus] For discussions in Paris on Thursday, ”the spokesman said.

Political implications

Although the fishing industry does not represent an appropriate part of the economies of the two countries, the problem is exacerbated by its political significance. On the French side, communities in fishing regions, especially those near the islands of Normandy, Jersey and Guernsey, say they will end their way of life without permission to fish in British territorial waters.

In April next year, Macron will face a difficult presidential election, and the government’s position on the issue is seen as a “expected campaign” by British cabinet members. The recent defense deal between the US, UK and Australia, which led to the loss of the contract to supply French submarines to the Australian Navy, has not been digested in Paris.

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Even though elections will not be held soon, Boris’ position to his supporters, especially Brexit supporters, is that the country faces supply problems at markets and gas stations due to a shortage of truck drivers. According to analysts, this is a direct and predictable impact of the UK exit from the European Union, and has provoked further criticism of the Prime Minister. Before the holidays.


Ahead of Macron’s statements on Monday, he and the British prime minister, as well as members of both governments, had been giving signs that the crisis might intensify. During the G-20 meeting in Rome over the weekend, the leaders discussed the crisis at a bilateral meeting, but to no avail.

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Earlier, French Prime Minister Jean Costex’s letter to the EU said that the federation had to prove that “leaving the EU is far more harmful than prolonging it,” adding to the conversation.

“I hope that opinion never returns within the EU,” David Frost wrote on Twitter on Saturday. “In the current context, when we try to solve many of the most emotional problems, it is very disturbing and complicated to see that being said.”

Behind the scenes, however, Macron and Boris signaled that they did not want to aggravate the controversy and wanted a peaceful and diplomatic solution.

– The President [Macron] It is in favor of calming things down, ”a source close to the French government told Reuters. But at the same time he could not pretend that the British had not broken the promises they had made to themselves.