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United States of America.  A young man with autism who disappeared in 2019 is found alive

United States of America. A young man with autism who disappeared in 2019 is found alive

uA teenager who disappeared from California in the United States in 2019 has been found alive and in good health nearly three years after his disappearance.

Connerjack Oswalt disappeared in Clearlake on September 28, 2019, when he was 16 years old.

He was reported missing to the police the next day. The teen, who had autism, was found more than 1,200 kilometers away in Summit County, Utah, on April 9, 2022.

The location of the young man was determined after residents of the area reported to the police the presence of a homeless person roaming the area.

The police managed to convince the young man to warm himself in the car and agreed to have his fingerprints removed.

When the results came out, authorities realized there was an arrest warrant for Konerjak Oswald in Nevada, but the police didn’t think the case ended there.

They searched the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s database and discovered the young ones

After about 16 pages of searching through names and pictures and trying to find something that might match, the name, Konerjak Oswalt, came up.Sheriff Martinez told FOX 13 News.

Once identified, they called the family who moved from California to Idaho after their home was destroyed by a massive fire.

Konerjak’s stepfather said, “Honestly, I’m still dumbfounded by the situation. Finding him alive is amazing.”

“We are just grateful that he is safe and alive and that we have our son.” “This is absolutely the most important thing for us,” his mother, Susan, added.

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