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Vaccination against Covid-19 continues in primary health care units this Tuesday (16) – Wake Up City

Vaccination against Covid-19 continues in primary health care units this Tuesday (16) – Wake Up City

Published on 11/15/2021 21:26.

Continuation of the vaccine against Covid-19 in basic health units this Tuesday (16)
Photo: Marcelo Casal Jr. / Agencia Brasil

City wake up

The Municipal Health Service (SMS) will apply the first, second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccination, on Tuesday (16), in the city’s health units.

Persons over 18 years of age (born November 16, 2003), pregnant and postpartum women – also in this age group – can receive the first dose of the vaccine exclusively at the Parque Ipê Family Health Unit I, II and III, linked to the Health Time Program Scheduled, from 8 am to 9 pm. It is necessary to provide RG, CPF and proof of residency. Check how other groups are immunized:

The first dose is for adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age

Adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 can receive the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19, in the provinces, at the Irma Dolce, Casa, Mangabeira, Casp 1, Ceraria Brasil, Santana and Subai Polyclinics, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4 p.m. and in family health units linked to the Happy Na Hora program from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The teenager must be at the age of 12, and those who have not reached the age recommended by the Ministry of Health cannot be vaccinated.

The second dose of Coronavac and AstraZeneca / Oxford

Vaccination of people who are in the recommended period for applying the second dose of Coronavac vaccine and for those who need to take the second dose of the Astrazeneca / Oxford vaccine by November 20, will be in the provinces, at the Family Health Units of the Urbano Social Center (CSU), Parque Ipê I, II and III, Caseb II, Baraúnas, Jardim Cruzeiro, Alto do Papagaio, Asa Branca III, Campo Limpo II, Aviary I and II, Conceição II, Feira VI-I and II, Francisco Pinto, George Américo III and IV and Campo Limpo IV and Rua Nova II and III, Barroquinha, Santo Antonio dos Prazeres I, II, Tumba I and III from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Vaccination will also be available for this group in the basic health units of Irma Dolce, Casa, Mangabeira, Casp I, Sierra Brasil, Santana and Subai Dispensary from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and in the Family Health Units associated with The Programa Saúde na Hora from 8:00 Morning at 9 pm. Vaccination card must be presented with proof of first dose, personal ID, CPF, SUS card and proof of residency.

Booster dose for elderly people over 60 years of age and patients with immune disorders (up to last stock)

The booster dose is intended for adults over 60 years of age who took the second dose 6 months ago. Immunosuppressed patients may also be immunized with medical report, and who are 28 days old since they have taken the second dose (medical report required).

On Monday, the order will be in Irma Dulce Primary Healthcare Units, Casa, Mangabeira, Caspe 1, Sierra Brasil, Santana and Subai Polyclinic, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To receive the third dose, you must present your ID, CPF, and vaccination brochure with proof of the second dose and proof of residency.

Check the address of the family health units in Saeed Na Hora:

USF Campo Limpo I, V and VI: Rua Hosita Serafim, S/N, Campo Limpo District.
USF Liberdade I, II, and III: Rua El Salvador, S/N, Feira VII neighborhood.
USF Queimadinha I, II and III: Rua Pernambuco, S/N, Queimadinha District.
USF Parque Ipê I, II, and III: Rua Ilha do Retiro, S/N, Parque Ipê District.
USF Videiras I, II, and III: Rua Iguatemi, S/N, Mangabeira District.

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