March 10, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Voting on the list of health plans will take place in August, says Lira

Voting on the list of health plans will take place in August, says Lira

The Speaker of the House, Arthur Lyra (PP-AL), said Thursday (14) that he intends to vote, in the first week of August, on the draft addressing the overall role of the National Supplementary Office. Health Agency (ANS.) on health plan coverage.

According to Lera, the proposal, however, is dependent on building an agreement with Senate President, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) so that the text will be voted on in both houses during an intense effort next month.

“Either we will have an agreement between the House and the Senate to deal with this issue, or there will be no pressure just in the room to deal with this issue and sell hope to those who really need this solution, as if the matter has already been resolved,” he said.

Lira’s statement came after demands from MPs to discuss a proposal prepared by a working group focused on the issue.

For Lyra, the importance of the proposal leads to the need to set the agenda with the Senate. “This matter needs, because of the strength of the demand in the community, that we get this gesture from the Senate so that the matter can be voted on the same day or the next day, or else it will have no effect,” he said.

Intensive efforts of the House of Representatives are scheduled for the week of August 1-5, immediately after the parliamentary recess that begins on Friday (15). On the agenda, in addition to the proposal for the tax role, there are interim measures and bills. By proposing to base the project on the return of legislative work, Lyra advocated a “balanced” text.

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“An article like this affects sensitivity as it affects this topic. It cannot have a two-house commitment to an average text that solves the whole situation looking from the outside, serves the families, and does not break the young,” Repeat said.

tax list

In June, the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) decided that health plans should cover only ANS-listed treatments. The second section of STJ recognized that the list of procedures set by the agency is exhaustive, that is, users are not entitled to take tests and treatments outside the list.

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