March 15, 2025

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Watch what is known about the air accident that killed Marlia Mendona – Gerais

Watch what is known about the air accident that killed Marlia Mendona – Gerais

avi picture
Marlia Mendona and four other people were killed in an air accident in Piedade de Caratinga, on Friday (5/11). (Photo: Disclosure / Extinguishing)

Singer Marlia Mendona and her team’s trip to Caratinga, in the Valle de Rio Doce, in Minas Gerais, where she was to perform Friday night (5/11), stopped 4 kilometers from the city’s airport after a fall. The plane they were on. Five people were killed in the tragedy.

After the tragic accident that halted the 26-year-old singer’s career and killed four more people – part of the artist’s production, as well as the pilot and co-pilot – several questions began to be asked: what was the cause of the plane crash and how were the last moments of the flight?

See, in the subjects, what is known about the accident so far

Aircraft, company and black box

The aircraft, which bears the prefix PT-ONJ, belongs to PEC Txi Areo, headquartered in Goinia. It’s a King Air C90A, with a six-passenger capacity. The aircraft, powered by a twin-turbo engine, was built in 1984 and licensed to operate on a charter basis, according to the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac). The Airworthiness Verification (CVA) Certificate was also valid, according to the organization.

According to the Air Force, the plane that crashed into the MG did not have a black box and flight and audio information recording equipment in the cabin. The optional component of this aircraft model.

Hours after the accident, PEC Txi Areo circulated through a social network and lamented the accident, as well as the five deaths from the plane crash. In the memo, the company said the aircraft involved in the tragedy was “fully airworthy”, with Anac’s approval, and that the pilot and co-pilot all received modern training, with experience in flights.

The company said that it called the competent authorities to rescue as soon as it became aware of the accident. Regarding the causes of the accident, the corporation avoided going into details, saying that the causes were “unconfirmed” and would be duly investigated by the aviation authorities. “The center puts itself at the disposal of the authorities and provides the necessary assistance to the families of the victims,” ​​he said in a statement, sympathizing with the friends and relatives of those killed in the accident.


The plane crash in Piedade de Caratinga claimed the lives of five people. In addition to Marlia Mendona, the singer’s uncle and advisor, Abysele Silveira Dias Filho, who accompanied her on most cross-country flights, died. Another victim was producer Henrique Ribeiro, also known as Henrique Bahia, who was also the producer of singer Cristiano Arago, who was killed in a car accident in June 2015. Firefighters reported the identity of the pilot, Geraldo Martins de Medeiros and his co-pilot. , Tarciso Pessoa Viana.

Itinerary and final moments

The plane carrying Marlia Mendona and her team to Caratinga departed Santa Genoveva Airport, in Guenia, at 1:02 p.m., according to Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroporturia (Infraero). It was about 2:30 in the flight. The first calls to the fire department indicate that the plane crashed in Piedade de Caratinga around 15:30.

Before the plane crash, residents told

Minas State

That the plane began to spin, even “beak” in the waterfall.

“First, he shot down a part of the plane, which fell near the house of a resident of the condominium, then the plane began to spin in the air in the form of a screw. It hit its beak with a waterfall. I heard a resident said. An eyewitness who lives in a group of homes near the crash site, he said, said the noise of the fall was “similar to the noise of a strong car crash.”

Everything indicates that the plane was on its last landing at Ubaburanga Airport.

Causes of the accident

The factors that led to the crash are still unknown. On Saturday (6), a team from the 3rd Regional Service for Aviation Accident Investigation and Prevention (SERIPA 3), associated with the Center for Aviation Accident Investigation and Prevention (CENIPA), should arrive at the scene of the accident. The investigators, who are from Rio de Janeiro, must film the scenes, collect parts from the plane, listen to witnesses, and also collect documents from the plane. This is all part of the initial work.

Before crashing, the plane hit high-voltage wires from Companhia Energtica de Minas Gerais (Cemig). Some cables run along the runway track at Ubaburanga Airport. The notifications the pilots sent to the agencies responsible for flying in Brazil spoke of an “obstacle violating the basic plan of the protection zone” at the airport. For example, the antenna and the tower are mentioned by professionals.

However, only a coordinated investigation by Cenipa is able to determine the causes that caused the crash.


The Center for Aviation Accident Investigation and Prevention (Cenipa), in a statement, informed that it has already started an investigation into the accident. According to the organization, photos will initially be taken of the site of the falls and the wreckage. Other initial steps are removing parts of the aircraft for analysis and gathering documents and witness reports.

The investigation does not have a predetermined closing period, as each case has a degree of complexity. The action does not point to the perpetrators. The goal is only to identify the problems that caused the accident and prevent such problems from happening.


Marlia Mendona and Chancellor Abesele Silvera Dias Filho, her uncle, were buried Saturday (6/11) at Parque Memorial Cemetery, in Guenia, in a ceremony dedicated to family and close friends. A short while ago, a crowd of waking people accompanied the Ginsio Goinia Arena.

The body of Henrique Ribeiro, Bahia, General Producer of Marlia Mendona, was buried at approximately 17:25 on Saturday (6/11) in Cimetrio Jardim da Suadada, in Salvador.

The bodies of pilot Geraldo Martins Medeiros, 56, and co-pilot Tarcio Pessoa Viana, 37, will be covered in Brasilia on Sunday (7/11).

Giraldo will be seen in the morning at the Boa Esperana cemetery and then to the crematorium in Valparaso de Joyce. Tarccio’s funeral rites will take place at Taguatinga Cemetery, also in the Federal District.

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