March 10, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Water crisis: Commission sees ‘relevant exacerbation’ and recommends further measures to maintain dams |  Economie

Water crisis: Commission sees ‘relevant exacerbation’ and recommends further measures to maintain dams | Economie

The Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee (CMSE), a body chaired by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, said on Tuesday (24) that there are A “appropriate deterioration” of the country’s water conditions.

According to the commission, this is necessary Keep all measures in progress and take new measures To maintain hydroelectric tanks.

“As the operator of the National Electrical System (ONS) explained, as we have seen in recent months, the deterioration of the observed scenarios and future prospects, together with the related deterioration, predominates, which makes it necessary to adopt all the ongoing measures and proposals, in particular the allocation of additional energy resources and the relaxation of hydraulic constraints,” As the commission says in a note.

The college met exceptionally on Tuesday to assess the conditions of the national electricity system and to propose adopting new procedures. Recommended measures are:

  • Temporary Flexibility of the São Francisco River Operations Base – The note does not explain how. “Given the importance of having additional energy resources in order to ensure conditions for electric power services, and thus to minimize storage deterioration in reservoirs of hydroelectric power plants in the southeast and south regions of the country,” states the Economic, Social and Environmental Council;
  • Use of stored water supply The memo does not provide further details.

The aim is to Preventing the country from power cuts and forced power rationing. The Census Bureau has already acknowledged, on a technical note, Difficulties in meeting the country’s energy demand In October and especially November.

This difficulty may come from ‘virtually all resources are exhausted [de potência de energia] In the month of November.”

Water crisis: Reservoirs in the Southeast and Midwest are the worst in 20 years

Water crisis: Reservoirs in the Southeast and Midwest are the worst in 20 years

The country is facing its worst water crisis in 91 years. You are Reservoirs in the Southeast and Midwest, which account for 70% of the nation’s power generation, have 23% of storage capacity, a level lower than that recorded in August 2001, when the country faced energy rationing.

In November, when the rainy season begins, the ONS predicts that the Southeast/Midwest reservoirs will do up to 10% of capacity.

To conserve water in hydroelectric reservoirs, the government is energizing thermal power plants, which are more expensive and polluting. Exceptional measures have also been adopted, in partnership with regulatory agencies and the National Statistics Service, such as:

  • activation of additional thermoelectric stations;
  • Auction forecast for contracting with “backup” power plants;
  • Expand the possibility of activating thermal power plants without a valid energy marketing contract;
  • increased energy imports from Argentina and Uruguay;
  • exceptional operation of a part of the water systems;
  • flexibility of storage and flow limits for hydroelectric plants; And
  • Flexibility of safety limits for transmission lines, with the goal of “moving” more power from the Northeast and North to the Southeast and Midwest; And
  • A program that will encourage large consumers, such as industry, to save electricity and shift their off-peak consumption in exchange for monetary compensation.
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