March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

What are the symptoms of thyroid gland?

What are the symptoms of thyroid gland?

The Thyroid It is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck and is responsible for producing hormones that control how the body uses energy.

Their action affects nearly every organ and they control some of the most important functions such as digestion, breathing, and heart rate.

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Due to its role, good performance is essential, although when it is deficient, the main symptoms appear that will help us detect failures that will change health.

A defect in this gland is represented by hyperthyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormones than the body needs; hypothyroidism, which occurs when not enough thyroid hormone is produced; thyroid cancer; or nodules (when lumps appear in the glands).

Thus, some treatments will be needed to correct these problems and may include medications or thyroid surgery. Also, some eating habits would be ideal for improving the health of the glands.

What do experts say about the thyroid gland?

According to experts, the thyroid gland has some symptoms that you can easily notice, some of them are easy to detect, but there are also cases where you can suffer without even realizing it. In this context, we will inform you of the main signs that will indicate a failure of that gland.

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The first signs will be changes in the skin (dry skin), in the hair (hair loss) and cracks in the nails. Added to this brand is the primary symptom of thyroid problems, which is unexplained weight gain or loss, that is, without physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle. While the third symptom refers to the constant feeling of fatigue and excessive sleep despite adequate rest.

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Therefore, in the presence of these main symptoms that will represent changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland, it will be necessary to consult with specialists, since hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism will be necessary, as tests are required to determine which of these conditions are present.

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