March 10, 2025

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What does it mean to feed an Exu, as seen in Grande Rio

What does it mean to feed an Exu, as seen in Grande Rio

The samba-plot”Speak, Majet! The Seven Keys of Exu”, which was taken by Acadêmicos da Grande Rio to Sapucaí, captured the audience on Sunday (24). The school is among the favorites to get the address from carnival Carioca in 2022.

The Grande Rio Exu represented creatively with luxury floats, which showed shows and foods dedicated to the orixa, significant venues for the appearance of the entity and opener that brought a wonderful crossroads.

The a musician The presentation talks about one of the most emblematic figures among the deities of African folk religions in Brazil, such as Umbanda and Candomblé. Confused with a demonic image, the Exu is responsible for opening paths and building communication between humans and divine beings – the Oryxas.

exu - turn on tv - turn on tv

Exu opens the way for Grande Rio to dream of an unprecedented title

Photo: TV clone

In Grande Rio, the mission to demystify the bad image some have of Exu I started years ago. In 2018, the school brought in members of the school front committee dressed in Exu’s mantle and crown, and in 2019, it brought in a prominent dancer dressed in reference to orixá.

“Our plan seeks to break these negative stereotypes associated with EXO’s character and strength,” the carnival artist emphasized. Gabriel Haddad, in an interview with UOL.

Here are a few things that spark curiosity about the first Oryxas:

Who is Exo?

A central figure in heated theological debates, Exu is a mysterious being, responsible for opening paths, overcoming difficulties, and achieving goals.

It raises various interpretations – some biased, when it is understood as an entity without moral values, such as Satan, who can do good or evil, as long as he is “spoiled” by those who worship him or take revenge if he is not. rewarded.

exu - Ricardo Borges / UOL - Ricardo Borges / UOL

The members give a great performance in Grande Rio

Photo: Ricardo Borges/UOL

According to anthropologist Vagner Gonçalves da Silva, professor at the University of São Paulo (University of São Paulo) and author of “Exu, the Guardian of the House of the Future” (2015), he is the most controversial of the deities because he is associated with sexuality and fertility.

Prejudice and misunderstanding began in the nineteenth century, when Europeans first came into contact with religions of African origin and began to understand Exu through a European interpretation of his image. He noted that there had been “an intense dialogue with Catholicism with Manichaean ethics”.

However, in mythology, Exu is understood as a messenger entity, guardian of the orixás, who communicates between gods and humans and is able to provide protection against malicious spirits.

Other representations are that they help open paths and attract prosperity, as well as being associated with life force, masculinity, and sexuality.

Sometimes described as a playful being, Ishu is also seen as possessing a unique discipline and great sense of justice.

exu - Júlio César Guimarães / UOL - Júlio César Guimarães / UOL

Grand Rio parade

Photo: Júlio César Guimarães / UOL

Why feed Exu?

Exu does not accept requests for free help, i.e. it asks for an offer – mostly foods like cassava flour, palm oil, rooster, honey and cachasa.

It is famous for eating everything and is the first to be served in the ritual of Candomblé.

Due to its role as a messenger between the world of the living and the spirit plane, it is common for these offerings to be left in cemeteries and at crossroads.

By sharing food, people get closer to entities. It is a way of making a request or thanking, as well as maintaining a healthy relationship between devotees and the orixas.

Every weather in Candomblé has something to do with food, says Janaina Couvo Teixeira Maia de Aguiar, of the Federal University of Bahia, in the article “Orixas, Imaginative and Food in Candomble.”

Care must be taken when preparing a show “without due diligence, it could lead to future problems with orixá,” explains the researcher.

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